Enter a Bond Issue Where Debt ID Is the Issue

To create a Bond Setup (BONDS) transaction in order to create a new bond authorization where each Debt ID within the authorization is a bond issue, perform these steps:

  1. Create an instance of the BONDS transaction.

  2. Complete the Authorization tab where a row will already be inserted for you and complete it with information for your bond authorization.

  3. Authorization Debt ID, Authorization Name, Authorization Short Name, Authorization Date, Authorization Start, Authorized Amount, and Minimum Denomination: (enter information as needed to match the bond authorization)

  4. Authorization Status: Ready to Exercise.

  5. Debt Type: Coupon Bond

  1. Navigate to the Authorization COA tab where a blank row will already be inserted for you. (This task assumes a Bond Authorization Event Type is entered for your Coupon Bond code selected from the Debt Type page.)

  2. Percentage: 100%

  3. COA: Fund and possibly Sub Fund code setup to track the authorization.

  1. Navigate to the Debt Instrument tab, use the Insert Line action and enter the following:

  2. Debt ID, Debt Instrument Name, Debt Instrument Short Name, Issue Date, Principal, Number of Bonds Issued, and Denomination: (enter information as needed to match the bond issue).

  3. Debt Instrument Status: Active Bond

  4. Use the Save action to save the Debt Instrument data, which will infer the Debt Type from the Authorization and create a record on all the remaining transaction tabs that are required for a bond.

  1. Navigate to the Paying Agent/Lender Information tab.

  2. Vendor Code: (enter or choose that of the paying agent).

  1. Navigate to the Bond Proceeds/Lender COA tab and create the following 3 records (copy and paste, if preferred):

Record 1

Record 2

Record 3

  1. Type of Payment: Other Amount 1 (discount)

  2. Percentage: 100%

  3. COA: Enter the Fund responsible for the debt

  1. Skip the Borrower Information tab, navigate to the Bond Payment/borrower COA tab and enter the following:

  2. Type of Payment: Principal

  3. Percentage: 100%

  4. COA: Enter the Debt Service Fund and other COA necessary for payments of interest and principal.

  1. Navigate to the Schedule tab and enter the following:

  2. Schedule Type: Principal in Last Payment w/Rate Interest

  3. Selected Schedule: true.

  4. Interest Rate: (the annual rate for the issue)

  5. Frequency: Semi Annual

  6. Maturity Date: (date of last CUSIP to mature)

  7. Payment Month and Date of Month: (values stated in the issue)

  8. Amortization Frequency: Yearly

  9. Number of Amortizations: (number of years from issue to maturity)

  10. Amortization Month: June

  11. Amortization Date of Month: 30th

  12. Other Amount 1: total discount on the issue.

  13. Schedule Generation Action 1: Amortize -Constant Yield

  14. Take the Calculate YTM action.

  15. Take the Get Template action.

  16. Complete the template with each payment for all CUSIPs in the issue along with an amortization of discount at the end of each year using the calculated YTM.

  17. Attach the template to the schedule record.

  18. Import File: (use the pick to select your attachment)

  19. Take the Generate Schedule action.

  1. Validate the transaction.

  2. If errors exist, fix the errors and repeat Step 9. If no errors exist, continue with Step 11.

  3. Submit the transaction.