Generate Schedule

Of all the debt transaction actions, this is the one most used to have the transaction create the payment schedule and any amortization schedule necessary. The action takes the information entered on the Schedule transaction tab, where the action is found, to create Schedule Detail records. When taken, the action sets a protected flag, called Generated Schedule, on the Schedule record so you know that the Schedule Details were initially created from the Schedule and not manually entered or uploaded.

Schedule generation has multiple steps as follows:

  1. Can the action be taken? First, the action only works on a new schedule record and never on one brought into a modification transaction from a registry page. Second, the action is not allowed if the Schedule Type is Other or if the payment Frequency is One Time. If any of these are violated, the action stops any further action and issues an error.

  2. Infer all necessary information. The action performs a save on the Schedule record in order to infer any information not yet inferred from the Debt Instrument, Debt Type code, and Debt Terms code.

  3. Check that all necessary information is present. There is a minimum amount of information needed for the different Schedule Type choices and to create amortization records. If any such information is missing, the action will stop any further action and issue an error. Examples include the need for a Number of Payments or Maturity Date to determine the number of payment records. Others include subsequent terms necessary for the payment Frequency and Amortization Frequency, a Yield to Maturity for a Constant Yield amortization, and amortization terms if an Other Amount is > $0 with an amortization Schedule Generation Action. Also, there are several limits to generation that will stop further processing when the amortization method is Constant Yield. If any of these are encountered, there are two options: enter them manually or go with the straight line amortization.

  4. Clear any existing Schedule Details for the Schedule. Please be careful if you received an error up to this point, you will still have any Schedule Details from a prior generation that was successful. Do not assume that the records are new in such a case. If you navigate from the Schedule transaction tab, any generation error will be dropped from view. Also, if you receive a generation error, it will be presented with any pre-existing errors you may have had.

  5. Create and save Schedule Detail records. The transaction will only proceed with this step if no errors have been issued in previous steps. Please keep in mind this step may take some time if you have a debt instrument that will have a high number of Schedule Details created. The last payment and amortization records will receive the necessary rounding necessary.  

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To use this action:

  1. Complete all necessary Schedule fields that will not default.

  2. Take the Generate Schedule action.