Get Template and Import Details

These two actions found on the Schedule transaction tab are used in conjunction. The Get Template provides you with an Excel worksheet formatted for the entering of payment and amortization schedule details. There is also a worksheet with instructions on how to complete those details. Once you have a copy of the template, you would not have to get a new one each time you want to create a schedule, but you certainly could. The second action then imports the details from the Excel worksheet to the Schedule Details transaction tab.

To use the actions together:

  1. Select the Get Template action from the Related Actions menu on the bottom right of your transaction.

  2. Save a copy of the template to your computer.  

  3. Enter all the details for the payment and possibly amortization schedule. This information can even be pasted in from other sources as long as the formatting rules in the template are followed.

  4. Open the Attachments window from your Debt transaction.

  5. Drop in your attachment or browse for it.

  6. Choose the Upload action.

  7. Choose the attachment by name using the pick for the Import File field on the Schedule transaction tab.

  8. Choose the Import Details action from the Related Actions menu.