The history page provides a means to query on, review, and download a listing of the debt, accounting, and budgeting transactions that have processed against a Debt ID with Major Type of Debt.

This page requires a minimum of information be entered before selecting to apply a filter:

After entering values in the search fields, select the Browse link to perform a search. If matching records are found, the records are listed in the results grid. The results can be sorted by one of the following columns: Created/Updated, Transaction, or Transaction Location.

Special Note: As posting line numbers are randomly assigned during transaction processing, what was on one posting line in one version may be on another posting line in another version. When posting lines change numbers between versions, there will be 2 debt history records. When numbers are consistent, then there is only 1 record reflecting the new total.

This page contains a Download link that allows for the downloading of selected records from a search for research purposes. There is a limit to the number of fields (5000). When this limit is reached, the system will stop downloading any more records.

The following abbreviations have been used in the download: