Make Loan from Application

As the name of this action applies, it is available only on the LOANM transaction. The action is found on the Debt Instrument transaction tab where loan applications and loans are created.

To use the action:

  1. Go to the Related Loan Application ID field

  2. Enter/choose the Debt ID for the loan application that needs to be converted into a loan.

  3. Take the Make Loan from Application action on the Debt Instrument transaction tab. This brings the loan application into the right-hand side columns.

  4. At this point, a Debt ID has to be given or generated for the loan and an Issue Date entered.

  5. One or more fields may need to be changed for the loan – dates and reporting information are likely candidates.

  6. Additional reporting information may have to be entered for the loan.

  7. The Authorization and Authorization COA records have also been brought into the transaction so those can be modified, if necessary.