Posting Code & Balance Sheet Accounts
Debt Management does have a Special Accounts page for defaulting Objects and Revenue Sources, but not for Balance Sheets. Those were not included in the Special Accounts page because the number of accounts that could be required in an implementation is only limited to the number they wish to set up for tracking and reporting purposes. Balance Sheets will infer directly from the Posting Code (PSCD) page for this reason and because these defaults should not vary by Fiscal Year. Using the PSCD page gives Debt Management virtually an unlimited number of defaulting Balance Sheets.
The posting codes for Debt Management are in three different numbering schemes:
Loans: A300 to A349
Leases: A350 to A399
Bonds: A400 to A449
Not all instances in those numbering schemes are completed and not all require a Balance Sheet Account. There should be many existing Balance Sheets that will work with those posting codes that are now being manually entered with the generic posting codes (A014 to A016) or other delivered and custom posting codes. In instances where you have to create new Balance Sheets, be sure to set the Account Type on them to match the posting code you will be associating it with. None of the posting codes delivered for debt have any logic tied to Account Type, so you can adjust that on the posting code as you see fit.
To set up a posting code, you have to do two things:
Choose the Use PSCD value for Default BSA.
Enter your balance sheet account in the Default BSA Code field.
There are occasions where you may want a unique Balance Sheet to be used with a particular Debt Type. When that is the need, one or more posting codes and event types need to be created and associated on the Debt Type page. For example, there are two Debt Types for External Loans Given where one is for low income housing assistance and the other is small business assistance. All others such loans can use the delivered loan posting codes and event types. To track the receivables for these two types of loans separately with different Balance Sheets, you would do the following steps:
On the Posting Code (PSCD) page, copy posting codes A312 (External Loans Receivable – Current) and A313 (External Loans Receivable – Long Term) to create two more of each with your custom numbering scheme. On each, change the Default BSA Code from the standard loans receivable to your specific ones.
On the Event Type (ETYP) page, copy event types LN12 (Record External Loan Given – Current Portion), LN13 (Record External Loan Given – Long Term Portion), and LN34 (Bill Loan Principal Payment) to create two more of each with your new custom posting codes.
Copy and create the same records on the Event Type Requirements (ERQ) page.
On the Allowable Event Types for Transaction Code (AETDC) page, add the four event types with the RE transaction type.
On the Allowable Event Types for Transaction Type (AETDT) page, add the copies of LN12 and LN12 event types with the CH transaction type and the copies of the LN34 with the RE transaction type.
On the Allowable Event Types for Transaction Code (AETDC) page, add the copies of LN12 and LN12 event types with the DA transaction code and the copies of the LN34 with the RE transaction code.
On the BFY Staging page for Transaction Events, copy and create new records for the same combinations added in AETDC for each state and profile used.
On the Event Type Defaults (ETDFLT) page, copy the record with LN34 in the Referenced Event Type field to create a new record for each of your copies of that event type.