Schedule Details

The Schedule Details tab of the Debt transaction records the details of one or more planned payment schedules and any amortizations necessary. This data drives automatic processing for payments/billings, accruals, and year end processing. In the event there is a negative amount of principal or interest entered or uploaded for a Schedule Detail line, if the total payment amount is negative the system will not issue a disbursement unless there is one or more other payments to offset the negative debt payment (adjustment).

When Schedule Details are brought in from the registry to a modification transaction, those that have been processed by the system are brought forward but the fields in the modification column are protected for those records. Only those Schedule Details that are unprocessed can be modified. Deletion from the transaction is possible of the processed lines, but that will not result in the deletion of the record from the registry.

You can add records to the Schedule Details tab in multiple ways.

Field Level Information