Special Accounts, Objects, and Revenue Sources

Debt Management has a separate tab on the Special Accounts (SPEC) page with default fields for most Objects and Revenue Sources. Not shown are such codes used for Other Amounts that are additional payments or amortizations. For these types of accounting, Objects and Revenue Sources are specified directly on Lender COA and Borrower COA records with the Other Amount # as the Type of Payment.

On the Special Accounts – Debt tab there are four types of data: General Information, Loans, Bonds, and Leases. Of the latter three, you only have to complete the fields you will be using. Failure to complete a necessary field will cause transactions to reject from one or more of the Debt Management Chains. The accounts on the Debt tab do not default based on posting code but rather are retrieved directly by the chain jobs. This means that if you are manually entering accounting for a debt instrument, you must supply all necessary Objects and Revenue Sources as only Balance Sheet Accounts will default.


