Application Parameter

Although officially listed as an Infrastructure table, the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) page is one that is part of general system configuration.  Options on this table are set once and do not vary by year, fund, department, transaction, or other factors.  The table is very generic in its design so that it can host many different types of options with the Parameter Name and Parameter Value fields.  Of the controls on this table, those listed below directly relate to the Accounts Payable area.  

Note: Any changes to records on this table should be followed by a bounce of all servers used for Advantage Financial.

Disbursement Controls



Always use EFT Number as Identification Number on the ACH File


Governs whether the Routing Number (if populated) on a vendor’s Prenote/EFT information is inferred for the Identification Number data element in Record Type 6.  If this parameter is equal to True then the EFT number is populated all the time for the Identification Number in the payment and reversal files.  If this parameter is equal to False then the Routing Number (if populated) is used.  If it is not populated then the EFT number is used.

Always Use Fund Bank Account Codes for Disbursements


Valid values Yes or No. If set to Yes, an error is issued if the Bank Account Code on the MD transaction Header is not equal to the Bank Account of the Fund on the Accounting Line (AL). If set to No, the Bank Account Code from the MD transaction Header is powerfully inferred to the Bank Account code on all the Accounting Lines. The AD transaction uses this parameter to infer the Bank Account of the Fund on the AL when the Disbursement Type is changed from EFT to Check.

Assign Overflow Check Numbers For Preprinted Stock


Valid values are Yes or No. Field indicates whether overflow check stubs are printed. For preprinted check stock, if overflow checks are not printed, only one check number is assigned to the disbursement.

Automated Payment Hold Option


This parameter is used by the Automated Payment Hold batch process.  When set to True, the batch process edits will be used to request and release payment holds. When the value is False, the batch edits will be bypassed and the system payment hold rules will be enforced.

Cancel EFT Reversal Lag Days


This parameter specifies the number of business days (that is, not holidays or weekends) to wait before a reversal or reclamation request can be automatically confirmed. The delivered value for this parameter is 5. This parameter applies to EFT and Check Writer EFT payments.

Check Assignment in AD Processing


When parameter value is False, the check numbers will be assigned when the AD transaction is processed to final. When set to True, Check numbers will be assigned through the batch job "Check Number Assignment" in the AD chain.

EFT Number Use Date


For EFT payments generated by the Automated Disbursement (AD) Chain, if the EFT_NUM_USE_DATE (EFT Number Use Date) parameter on the Application Parameter table is set to true (or if a value is not provided), then the Next Avail EFT No on the Bank table will use the first 8 digits for the current date and the remainder of the digits a sequence number for the EFT Number generated by the AD Chain. If the EFT_NUM_USE_DATE parameter is set to false, then the Next Avail EFT No on the Bank table will not include the date in the EFT Number generated by the AD Chain, but will use all allowed digits for the sequence number.

EFT Reversal Request Lag Days


This parameter specifies the number of business days from the EFT settlement date within which a reversal request must be initiated. This parameter applies to EFT and Check Writer EFT payments.

EFT Reclamation Request Lag Days


This parameter specifies the number of business days from the Date Death Notice Received within which a reclamation request must be initiated. This parameter applies to EFT and Check Writer EFT payments.

Consolidate Check Stub at the Vendor Invoice Line Level


This parameter determines whether the Check Stub information should be printed at the accounting line level of the disbursement transaction (False) or should it be consolidated at vendor invoice line level (True). The default for this parameter is False.

Create DISRQ records from Disbursement Transactions


This parameter controls what disbursement options are loaded to the Disbursement Request (DISRQ) page upon the cancellation of a disbursement transaction.  If this parameter is set to False, the system will obtain transaction information from the last accepted version of the transaction requesting payment (PR and ABS transaction types).

If this parameter is set to True, the system will load values from the disbursement transaction upon cancellation. The system will update Disbursement Request with accounting lines from the disbursement transaction, and a single entry will be made for each accounting line of a disbursement transaction. Commodity information will be obtained from the original Payment Request.

Disbursement Printing


This parameter provides the option to print disbursements in either Check Number or Transaction ID sequence.

Valid values are 1 or 2.  If this parameter is set to 1, the disbursement printing job sorts the record by Check Number. If set to 2, the disbursement printing job sorts the record by Transaction ID.

Disbursement Category Inference


If this parameter is set to true, the Disbursement Category value entered on the vendor line of the PR will be pushed down to the Accounting Line (if populated on the VL) and will replace any value manually entered on the Accounting Line.  If the Disbursement Category Inference parameter is false then the Disbursement Category value on the Vendor Line of the PR will only be pushed down to the Accounting Line if the field is blank on the Accounting Line.

Additionally, the Disbursement Category Inference parameter impacts the inference of Disbursement Category from the DISCIV table.  If the parameter is set to true on APPCTRL, the Disbursement Category value on the Accounting Line will be inferred from the Vendor Line only and no inference will occur from the DISCIV table.  If the Disbursement Category Inference parameter is false, the Disbursement Category will be inferred from the DISCIV table based on the inference rules set on the DISCIV table.

Evaluate Intercept by Debt Type


If set to Yes, then the AD XML Creation Process job within the AD Chain reads records on the Allowable Payments for Intercepts by Debt Type (APIDT) page to restrict the offset of certain debt types to specific types of payments. The delivered value for this parameter is No, which indicates that the APIDT table is not read by the AD Chain and the offset of payment is not restricted by debt type.  Refer to the CGI Advantage Financial – Intercept User Guide for more information about the APIDT page.

Maximum Number of Stub Lines


This parameter is used by Check Printing and Automated Disbursement batch jobs to determine the maximum number of stub lines that may appear on a check stub. Acceptable values are 0-99. Default value is 35.  Any checks with stub line counts that exceed this value will be considered “overflow checks”.

Method for Discount Calculation


This parameter controls how the system calculates the Scheduled Payment Date on PR and ABS transactions. It also determines which date is used in discount calculation during the Automated Disbursement chain. This parameter can have one of three options:

  1. Invoice Date Only: When this option is selected, the Invoice Date will be used by the PR and ABS transactions in the calculation of Schedule Payment Date, and by the Automated Disbursement process when calculating discounts.

  2. Service To date Only: When this option is selected, the Service To date will be used by the PR and ABS transactions in the calculation of Schedule Payment Date, and by the Automated Disbursement process when calculating discounts.

  3. Latter of Service To and Invoice Date: When this option is selected, the current baseline logic of considering the later of the Service To date and Invoice Date will be used by the PR and ABS transaction in the calculation of Schedule Payment Date, and by the disbursement process when calculating discounts.

Note: Should the parameter be missing, blank or invalid, the system will calculate the Schedule Payment Date and Discount Logic as if it were set to option 3 (Latter of Service To and Invoice Date).

Retain Discount from Cancelled Disbursement


This parameter indicates Discount Terms on cancelled disbursement with Cancellation Type of Reschedule, Hold, or PR Cancellation will be retained for any re-issued disbursement. If True, the Discount Terms will be retained. If False, the Discount Terms will not be retained.

Stub Line Adjustment Orientation


Indicates whether adjustments (discounts, withholding, contract withholding, retainage, and so forth) are to be inserted onto the Stub Detail (STUBDET) page on a separate stub line with the setting of V (vertical) or on the same stub line as the payment amount with the setting of H (horizontal).

Include Accounting Line Information into Single Stub Line Section


This parameter controls whether or not the four sections of stub line information are joined into a single section for form generation.


If False, it will create four separate sections.

Transaction Codes for Payment Consolidation by Payment Request Transaction Dept


This parameter is used to update the Transaction Department value from the PR/ABS Transaction Type transactions to the Consolidation Object 6 field when the PR or ABS transaction updates the Disbursement Request (DISRQ) table. The default parameter value is blank; when blank the functionality is not used and the Consolidation Object 6 field is not updated when a PR or ABS Transaction Type transaction is submitted.

Authorized users can change the parameter’s value to a specific list of PR/ABS Transaction Type Transaction Codes (comma delimited).  In this case, the Consolidation Object 6 field will be set to the Transaction Department of the PR/ABS transaction if the Transaction Code is listed as a value for this parameter.  

Authorized users can change the parameter’s value to ALL if it should apply to all Transaction Codes within the PR/ABS Transaction Type. The Consolidation Object 6 field will be set to the Transaction Department of the corresponding PR/ABS Transaction Type transaction.

Include Payee and Check Information


This parameter decides whether detailed separate payee, payer and check information sections to be created and not under the header section in the xml generated by check printing. Valid values are True and False. False is assumed if left blank.

Description Column Width in Stub Line on the Disbursement Form


This parameter specifies the width of the description column in Stub Lines on the disbursement form. This is required so that description values can be wrapped to the next line once it reaches that width. 60 is the default and the maximum width.

Description Column Width in Stub Line with Accounting Line Number on Disbursement Form


This parameter specifies the width of the description column in the Stub Lines section of the disbursement form, when Accounting Line Number is part of the stub lines. Therefore, this value would be smaller than the parameter above. Please note there is no symbol before the line number and no space after it.

MICR Line Expression


This parameter is used by Check Printing and specifies the MICR Line expression (which may contain a few place holders and valid values for place holders are CHECK_NO, BNK_ACTNO, and ABANO), which is used for adding MICR details to be in form generation. By default, it will be blank so there will be no MICR.

Example: &%1B$(600XO<CHECK_NO>&%1B$(600XO



This parameter is used by Check Printing and specifies the Signature in the form generated. By default, it will be blank. Example: If the value is set to System Administrator, when a check is printed the signature value is generated as System Administrator.

Use ACH configuration tables in CW ACH Transaction chain job


This parameter specifies if the CW ACH File Generation process will use the ACH Configuration tables to create the ACH output file(s). Default is False.

ACH tables include ACH Attributes Definition, ACH XML File Configuration, and ACH Flat File Configuration.

Use ACH configuration tables in EF ACH Transaction chain job


This parameter specifies if the EF ACH File Generation process will use the ACH Configuration tables to create the ACH output file(s). Default is False.

ACH tables include ACH Attributes Definition, ACH XML File Configuration, and ACH Flat File Configuration.

Use ACH configuration tables in Prenote ACH Transaction chain job


This parameter specifies if the Prenote ACH File Generation process will use the ACH Configuration tables to create the ACH output file(s). Default is False.

Note: ACH tables include ACH Attributes Definition, ACH XML File Configuration, and ACH Flat File Configuration.

Use Stub Detail


This parameter is used by the AD Chain to determine how records are inserted on the Check Reconciliation (CHREC) page, considering the entries on the Disbursement Stub Detail (STUBDET) page. This parameter may be turned on for sites that use the STUBDET page. 

A setting of True results in the use of STUBDET records along with the Maximum Number of Stub Lines (MAX_STUB_LINES) parameter to determine how many checks are needed when inserting them into CHREC based on the check stock type setup from the BANK page. 

A setting of False results in the use of the disbursement transaction lines along with the Maximum Number of Stub Lines (MAX_STUB_LINES) parameter to determine how many checks are needed when inserting them into CHREC based on the check stock type setup from the BANK page. The number of lines will impact how many checks may be voided in overflow stub situations.