CGI Advantage Financial Reports

The major reports generated from CGI Advantage in the Disbursements area are listed alphabetically in the below table.  For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage Accounts Payable Run Sheets guide.

Report Name


Batch Catalog Section

AD Check Register


The AD Check Register process generates a Disbursement Register, which is a report of all Automated Disbursements or Manual Disbursements transactions that have been successfully processed.  This report does not display direct deposit payments, which are payments made using an electronic funds transfer (EFT) transaction.

Accounts Payable

AD Exception Report

The Automated Exception Report job produces the AD Exception Report that lists all of the Disbursement Request (DRT) table records, which are on HOLD – due to rejection in the Automated Disbursement Process or during Transaction Processing.

Accounts Payable

Check Exception Control Totals Report

This report summarizes the number of records reconciled and the exception records that were generated by the current run of the Check Reconciliation process. This report summarizes records by Bank Account and then by Exception Code within each Bank Account.    

Accounts Payable

Discount, Interest and Penalty Report

The Discount/Penalty job produces the Discount, Interest and Penalty Report, which lists all of the disbursement transactions for a specified date range that were eligible for discounts, interest calculation, and penalties.

Accounts Payable

Review Payments for Offset Report

This report allows you to review payments that may potentially be offset by the Automated Disbursement Chain based on the active records on the Disbursement Parameters (DISPA) table.

Accounts Payable

Scheduled Payment Report

The Scheduled Payment report process lists the payments that will be picked up by the Automated Disbursement process. This report is produced by the Scheduled and Unscheduled Payment Report job.

Accounts Payable

System Hold Report

The AD Chain’s System Hold Report job produces the System Hold Report that lists all of the accounting lines that were selected by the Automated Disbursement run that were not able to be liquidated during that run and were put on System Hold.  This report also displays the reason (system hold reason) why the records could not be liquidated.   This report uses the Disbursement Request (DISRQ) and Disbursement Parameters (DISPA) tables as input to generate the report by retrieving the records that are on System Hold on DISRQ that are associated with Active records on DISPA. Once the System Hold records are selected from DISRQ, the system performs a lookup for the records on DISPA based on the Bank Account of the selected records, and retrieves the Credit Memo Consolidation Options selected on those records and generates the output.

Accounts Payable

Unscheduled Payment Report

The Unscheduled Payment report process lists the payments that will not be picked up by the Automated Disbursement process. This report is produced by the Scheduled and Unscheduled Payment Report job.

Accounts Payable