Cancel and Reissue a Disbursement

The most common approach to reissue a payment is to cancel the original disbursement transaction and reschedule the referenced payment request transactions. An AD transaction will be used, but the same steps may be followed for an EFT transaction. Similarly, the steps can be followed on the Manual transaction to cancel and Re-issue the disbursement since the steps are same for MD transaction also.

The steps below are for the cancellation and re-issuance of a check by canceling the original disbursement transaction.

  1. Identify the disbursement transaction associated with the Check that requires cancellation and re-issuance. Ensure that it has not cleared the bank (that is, marked Paid).

  2. Discard the disbursement transaction to create a cancellation version of the transaction.

  3. Enter the information to cancel the disbursement.

  1. Set Cancellation Type to Reschedule.

  2. Select a Cancellation Reason. For example, set Cancellation Reason to Lost if the check is lost.

  3. Select a Scheduled Payment Date. For example, set it to 3/10/CCYY if this is the date you would like this to re-disburse.

  1. Submit the cancellation version to final and view updates. The cancellation will reopen the referenced payment transactions and place each line back on disbursement request with the rescheduled payment date entered on the cancellation.  The Cancelled Disbursement flag on the Disbursement Request (DISRQ) record being created for re-disbursement will be checked (set equal to True), thereby identifying the record as being created from a cancelled disbursement. If a discount was taken on a disbursement line, the system will set the Discount Term Applied (1-4) on the Disbursement Request (DISRQ) record to True, if the corresponding Discount Term Applied (1-4) on the AD/EFT Accounting Line is set to True.

  2. (System Administrator) Execute AD Chain to reissue the check. View the disbursement transaction that represents the reissued check. Note, this step is likely to occur as part of the regularly scheduled AD Chain run, but you could schedule a special (that is, online disbursement) run to print the check immediately.  In the case of the cancellation of the MD transaction, you can create another MD transaction by copy forwarding the Payment request transaction.