Chain Jobs

The chain jobs are listed alphabetically in the below table and the last column indicates the location in the Batch Catalog.  For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage Accounts Payable Run Sheets guide.

Job Name

Job Name Description

Batch Catalog Section

Automated Disbursement Chain (AD Chain)

It is a group of jobs that work together to create disbursement transactions from the payment request transactions. The Automated Disbursements process selects authorized payments, edits payments for validity, processes payment adjustments, groups the payments, formats payments, and posts payment transactions.  In short, it is the process that takes payment data (posted in the form of a Commodity Payment Request, Matching Payment Request, or General Accounting Expenditure transaction), and transforms this into a disbursement instrument (in the form of a check/warrant or EFT record). This process also generates the transactions to record the Intercept Transfers.

Accounts Payable

EF ACH Transaction

Automated Clearing House (ACH) participants can electronically transfer payment data in a structured, machine retrievable data format that permits to be transferred without re-keying from a business application in one financial institution to a business application in another financial institution. This transfer process is called Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

Accounts Payable

CTX EDI Formatting Batch Process

Generates CTX Addenda Records based on the EDI ANSI ASC X12 820 Remittance Advice/Payment Order. This batch process is only applicable to EFT transactions with the Disbursement Format of CTX.

Accounts Payable

Check Image Recon

The process involves reading an input bulk index file containing a list of check transaction information provided by the bank in a specified format. Converting the file and loading the records to CHIMGLD. Attaches the check images to PDCHKAT based on the specified bank account and check number combinations with CHIMGLD records.

Accounts Payable

Disbursement Discard

Automated process to discard unprocessed Manual Disbursements where each Accounting Line of the Manual Disbursement references a payment request and all of the referenced payment requests have already been disbursed. Manual Disbursement transactions are considered unprocessed if the Transaction Function is equal to New; and Transaction Phase is equal to Draft or Pending; and Transaction Status is equal to Held, Rejected or Ready.

Accounts Payable

EF ACH Reversal

Generates an ACH file with requested EFT payments for reversal as well as initiate the cancellation of successfully reversed EFT payments by the bank.

Accounts Payable

Returned ACH Transaction Process

Initiates the cancellation of rejected EFT payments.  The process also marks the vendors associated with returned Prenotes, EFT payments and EFT reversals as ineligible for EFT at the Vendor Location level and Address level, where applicable.

This batch process can be used with the supported ACH formats CCD, PPD, IAT, and CTX.

Accounts Payable

Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction

This process automatically initiates accounting transactions for transfers and records the cash flow to Disbursement Bank Account.

Accounts Payable