The setup to use this feature is done in the following locations, including making the fields mentioned visible. In addition to the following configurations, these fields must be made visible on Configure Page (DESIGNER) in the following locations:
System Options - Expense (Accounts Payable): Weekly Warrant Hold Reason
Object: Disbursement Frequency
Advance Type: Disbursement Frequency
Accounting tab of those transaction codes in the Accounting Based Spending transaction type used to request payment: Disbursement Frequency
Accounting tab of those transaction codes in the Commodity Based Payment Request transaction type used to request payment: Disbursement Frequency
Disbursement Request
Disbursement Frequency specifies if payment will be selected in the daily disbursement group or weekly.
Group Warrant Number is assigned by batch processing.
Accounting tab of those transaction codes in the Automated Disbursement, Manual Disbursement, and Disbursement Reclassification transaction types.
Group Warrant Number must be made visible on the Accounting tab of the Disbursement transactions (AD, EFT, MD, and DC). Please note, the Manual Disbursement (MD) only supports monthly warrant functionality.
As a modification or cancellation of an Accounting Based Spending or Payment Request transaction should be stopped if Disbursement Frequency is Weekly, the following Configurable Validation (BORULE) must be in place so that a user with adequate security can change the Selected for Weekly Warrant indication to false first on the Disbursement Request.
Trigger Action: Validated or Submitted
Validation: (DOC_COMP_MOD_FL == 2 || DOC_FUNC_CD == 3) && this.getDisbRqstRow().getWKLY_WRNT_FL()
Validation Field: WKLY_WRNT_FL
When using the Disbursement Frequency feature, each object must be assigned one of the two available frequencies. To get the frequency to infer to an accounting line, the following Configurable Formula must be used for both ABS_DOC_ACTG and PR_DOC_ACTG:
Trigger Action: Validated or Submitted
Formula Field: DISB_FREQ
Formula: return R_OBJImpl.getDisbFreq(this.getOBJ_CD(), this.getCURR_FY(), this.getSession())
Weekly Warrant Hold Reason denotes the reason for a weekly payment request being placed on hold that is selected from a pre-defined list. To get this default reason for a Disbursement Request record, a Configurable Formula (BOFRMLA) is needed for R_AP_DISB_RQST:
Trigger Action: Inserted or Updated
Formula Field: USER_HLD_FL
Formula: DISB_FREQ==2
Trigger Action: Inserted or Updated
Formula Field: HLD_REAS_CD
Formula: if(DISB_FREQ == 2) {return R_EXP_SOPTImpl.getWklyWrntHldReasFrmExpSOPT(this.getSession(), FY)
} else {
return HLD_REAS_CD}
When using the Disbursement Frequency feature, each object must be assigned one of the two available frequencies. To get the frequency to infer to an accounting line, the following Configurable Formula (BOFRMLA) must be used for both ABS_DOC_ACTG and PR_DOC_ACTG:
Trigger Action: Validated or Submitted
Formula Field: DISB_FREQ
Formula: return R_OBJImpl.getDisbFreq(this.getOBJ_CD(), this.getCURR_FY(), this.getSession())
For Accounting Based Spending transactions, when Advance Type is used and Disbursement Frequency is entered on this page, then it takes priority and is set to the Disbursement Frequency field on the Disbursement Request. If Disbursement Frequency is not entered on Advance Type, then the Disbursement Frequency on the Object is set on Disbursement Request. Payment Request transactions will get Disbursement Frequency from Object.