Disbursement Category
Disbursement Category (DISC) is used to optionally classify and/or consolidate payments. If implemented, which is very likely, a record should be entered on Disbursement Category for each type of disbursement or application of funds tracked. Once a record is added, disbursement categories may be entered on vendor records or payment request. This value may also be changed directly on Disbursement Request (DISRQ) at any point prior to the Automated Disbursements process. With proper authority, Disbursement Category can also be updated from the Disbursement Management page or Disbursement Request Modification (DRM) transaction.
Parameters |
Description |
Disbursement Category |
This field is the code that represents an individual disbursement category. |
Name |
This field contains descriptive text on the disbursement category used in reporting and user recognition. |
Standard Text |
This field contains standard text that may be printed on checks, warrants, remittance advice, or included with the electronic file when disbursement category is defined as a payment consolidation object. |
Internal |
The Internal option indicates that the disbursement category is used for internal purposes. This option is one criterion used to:
Healthcare |
The Healthcare option is used to indicate payments that are related to healthcare. When true, the Check Description field on a Payment Request (PR or ABS) transaction that uses the Disbursement Category is required. |
Employee |
The Employee option is used to indicate payments for employees. This option is used by the Hard Copy Disbursement Count feature when the feature is turned on with setup on the Hard Copy Disbursement Options (HCDO) page to treat employee payments separate from regular vendor payments on the Hard Copy Disbursement Count (HCDC) page. The reason is that HCDO can have different count limits for warnings and for fees, depending on if the Taxpayer Identification Number is an employee or a regular vendor. |