Disbursement Correction Process
Once payments have been processed and disbursements generated as a result of the Automated Disbursement process, checks are produced. If any mistakes or errors occur to the disbursement records during the disbursement printing, Disbursement Correction allows revision of disbursement output or postings. The Disbursement Correction process is used to void and/or renumber records that are in the disbursement cycle and have not been posted to ledgers. In addition, the process allows you to reprint physical checks printed on the pre-printed check stock after the Disbursement process is finished. The MD transactions are not eligible for Disbursement Correction process.
The Disbursement Correction (DISBCP) table is used for all of the correction actions. Correction can be invoked after the disbursement process but before the Journal updates, because the Journal can be updated only by the transactions and not by any of the offline processes. At the end of the process, a record is added to the Check Reconciliation (CHREC) table, for example marking checks as void and adding check numbers that have been renumbered. The Disbursement Correction process does not update the BANK table with the next available check number. This must be done manually.
Disbursement Correction consists of the following actions for Automated Disbursement (AD and EFT) transactions:
After evaluation of the printing of disbursement records, you may need to void certain check numbers. The void of a check may be required if the check was used to test the alignment of the printer before printing a series of checks. Voids also may be required if incorrect parameters were used reflecting incorrect check numbers, etc. Check voiding allows you to mark certain check numbers as ‘Void’ on the Check Reconciliation (CHREC) table.
If the record does not exist on the Check Reconciliation table, the check can be voided on the Disbursement Correction table with the Correction Type of Void. Once a record exists on the Check Reconciliation table, the check may be manually voided on the Check Reconciliation table using the Check Status Update link. (Note that if a check's status is changed to Void on the Check Reconciliation table, no accounting changes will be made in the system. A JV must be processed in order to make any accounting related changes.) A check can also be voided as part of the Disbursement Correction in conjunction with one of the Renumber Correction Type such as Void/Renumber or Void/Renumber/Reprint (see below for these Correction Types).
Another option to correct damaged checks is to Void/Renumber/Reprint the checks. Because this part of the process takes place after Automated Disbursement chain, this process may only be utilized if the check being reprinted was first issued on preprinted check stock. Checks that were printed using plain check stock may be reprinted using the ‘Reprint’ Correction Type. The New Start Number entered cannot exist on CHREC.
The Void/Renumber/Reprint action will result in an update of ‘Void’ in the Check Status field for the renumbered check on CHREC. It will update the Print Status Indicator on the disbursement transaction to Ready for Reprint. This Correction Type is not allowed once the disbursement transaction has been posted to journals.
After the disbursement process, you may also need to renumber checks. Check renumbering is necessary after viewing the Check Register, when the incorrect check numbers have been assigned to a disbursement. For example, check 420 might need to be renumbered to 402 because it was incorrectly entered as the Next Check Number on the Bank (BANK) page. This action can work in conjunction with one another to correct applicable checks before printing the checks. The New Start Number entered cannot exist on CHREC.
The Renumber Correction Type should only be used if the Disbursement Printing job has not been executed. The Disbursement Printing job creates the .xml file that is used as input in the print server. If the Disbursement Printing job has been executed, the ‘Renumber’ Correction Type should not be used because this type does not recreate a new .xml file, which is needed to reflect the new check number when the check is physically printed. If Disbursement Printing has already been executed and you choose to use this Correction Type, you must also insert a record for the Correction Type of Reprint on this table so that the new checks numbers are update to the .xml file when the Disbursement Correction process is executed.
The Renumber action will result in an update of Renumbered in the Check Status field for the renumbered check on CHREC. The Renumber Correction Type is not allowed once the disbursement transaction has been posted to journals.
Voiding and renumbering actions may be necessary if the Next Check Number was incorrectly entered on the Bank (BANK) page. This action can work in conjunction with one another to correct disbursement records. The Void/Renumber type allows you to renumber the checks and mark the renumbered check as Void on CHREC. The New Start Number entered cannot exist on CHREC.
The Void/Renumber Correction Type should only be used if the Disbursement Printing job has not been executed. The Disbursement Printing job creates the .xml file that is used as input in the print server. If the Disbursement Printing job has been executed, the Void/Renumber Correction Type should not be used because this type does not recreate a new .xml file, which is needed to reflect the new check number when the check is physically printed. If Disbursement Printing has already been executed and you choose to use this Correction Type, you must also insert a record for the Correction Type of Reprint on this table so that the new checks numbers are update to the .xml file when the Disbursement Correction process is executed.
The Void/Renumber action will result in an update of Void in the Check Status field for the renumbered check on CHREC. This Correction Type is not allowed once the disbursement transaction has been posted to journals.
If you have performed the Void action by mistake, you can execute this action to undo the Void action. This action removes the voided records from the Check Reconciliation (CHREC) table.
The need to reprint occurs when a check/warrant is damaged or destroyed during the printing process and requires replacement. Reprint is allowed for both preprinted and plain check stock types. The Reprint Correction Type does not make any updates to CHREC. It will update the Print Status Indicator on the disbursement transaction to Ready for Reprint.