Disbursement Hold Exclusion

The Disbursement Hold Exclusion table is used to enter specific vendors, chart of account elements, or budget lines that you do not want updated or changed by Disbursement Management.

Other characteristics of the Disbursement Hold Exclusion (DISBMR) table include:

Disbursement Hold Exclusion is set at the time of payment processing. If the funding line of a scheduled payment is found on the Disbursement Hold Exclusion (DISBMR) table at the time the payment request transaction updated the Disbursement Request (DISRQ) table, then the record is set as Restricted from Disbursement.

For Automated Payment Hold feature, the DISBMR table is referenced by the following tables/transaction:

Examples of how the exclusion logic is used on the Disbursement Hold Exclusion (DISBMR) table: