Disbursement Request

The Disbursement Request (DISRQ) table provides the information necessary for the generation of payments during the Automated Disbursements process. The Disbursement Request table is updated with payment requests recorded by commodity and accounting based payment request transaction types (PR and ABS) when the Event Type on the referenced transaction is setup to update the Disbursement Request table.  Records on the DISRQ table associated with successfully processed AD and MD transaction types are deleted when AD or MD transaction types are successfully finalized. Several of the fields on this table may be updated directly or via the Disbursement Management (DISBM) and Disbursement Management by Transaction (DISBMD) pages. Disbursement options can also be updated through the Disbursement Request Modification transaction.

The Disbursement Request table is not only the main source of data for Disbursement Management, but is also the central point of control for the disbursement process and is used to specify the following:

Verifications performed on the Disbursement Request table

Consolidation Object fields on the DISRQ table