Disbursement Request
The Disbursement Request (DISRQ) table provides the information necessary for the generation of payments during the Automated Disbursements process. The Disbursement Request table is updated with payment requests recorded by commodity and accounting-based payment request transaction types (PR and ABS) when the Event Type on the referenced transaction is setup to update the Disbursement Request table. Records on the DISRQ table associated with successfully processed AD and MD transaction types are deleted when AD or MD transaction types are successfully finalized. Several of the fields on this table may be updated directly or via the Disbursement Management (DISBM) and Disbursement Management by Transaction (DISBMD) pages. Disbursement options can also be updated through the Disbursement Request Modification transaction.
In the event miscellaneous vendor accounts are used, there is an available filter field for Legal Name that must be made visible in order to search by the names assigned to the miscellaneous account.
The Disbursement Request table is not only the main source of data for Disbursement Management, but is also the central point of control for the disbursement process and is used to specify the following:
Scheduled payment dates
Disbursement format
Payment consolidation elements
Payment discount terms
Payment status
Disbursement Priority
Request/Remove Payment Holds
Consolidation options (Consolidation object fields 1-6)
VerificationsVerifications performed on the Disbursement Request table
For enhanced Automated Payment Hold, the following verifications are made on the Disbursement Request table:
When either the User Hold or Disbursement Management Hold fields are set to Yes and a Save action is executed on Disbursement Request (DISRQ) table (either directly on the table or using other means), the Advantage Financial will verify if a corresponding record exists on the Payment Hold Maintenance table. If it does not, the record will be inserted to the Payment Hold Maintenance table with a Payment Hold Action of Request Hold. The record added to Payment Hold Maintenance table will have a Hold Level of User Hold or Disbursement Management Hold and the Hold Payment Reason field value will be used to locate the Hold Type code.
On a Save action on DISRQ table that sets User Hold to a No or Disbursement Management Hold to a No and blanks out the Hold Payment Reason field will update an existing record on the Payment Hold Maintenance table with a Payment Hold Action of Remove Hold. The record on Payment Hold Maintenance table will be located by using the Hold Level of User Hold or Disbursement Hold and the Payment Request Transaction Code, Department, ID, Vendor Line, Commodity Line and Accounting Line. The Application Date will be populated in the Hold Removal Date field.
Consolidation Object fields on the DISRQ tableConsolidation Object fields on the DISRQ table
The DISRQ table contains 6 Consolidation Object fields (1-6), which when populated, are used as part of the grouping and consolidation logic during the Automated Disbursement process to group positive payment lines together. These fields may be populated either through a batch process or by the transactions as discussed below.
All Consolidation Object fields (1-6) can be populated using the following method:
Consolidation Objects Configuration (COCFNG) page and the Disbursement Request Initialization batch job. On the COCNFG page, the Consolidation Object fields (1-6) allow you to configure the values populated in the Consolidation Object fields on the Disbursement Request (DISRQ) page. The Disbursement Request Initialization process populates the Consolidation Objects on the DISRQ records based on the COCNFG table configuration. For detailed information on the Disbursement Request Initialization (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage Accounts Payable Run Sheets guide.
In addition to the above method, the Consolidation Object 6 field can also be populated using the following methods:
Consolidation by Payment Request Dept batch job: This batch job populates the Consolidation Object 6 field on Disbursement Request (DISRQ) table records with the Transaction Department Code from the Payment Request (PR or ABS) associated with the respective DISRQ records. The result of running this job is that the disbursement process will consolidate the positive payment request lines based on the Payment Request Transaction Department Code. Please see the Consolidation by Payment Request Dept run sheet in the Accounts Payable Run Sheets Guide for more information.
Transaction Codes for Payment Consolidation by Payment Request Transaction Dept parameter on the Application Parameters (APPCTRL) table: If an online approach is preferred, the Transaction Codes for Payment Consolidation by Payment Request Transaction Dept APPCTRL parameter (CONSOLIDATE_PR_DEPT) may be used. The difference between this approach and the Consolidation by Payment Request Dept batch job is that the Consolidation Object 6 field will be updated at the time the Payment Request (PR/ABS) is submitted and the Accounting Lines are updated to the Disbursement Request (DISRQ) table.
If the value of the CONSOLIDATE_PR_DEPT APPCTRL parameter is set to ALL, then the Consolidation Option 6 field will be updated with the Transaction Dept of the PR/ABS transaction whenever a transaction is submitted and DISRQ is updated.
If the value of the CONSOLIDATE_PR_DEPT APPCTRL parameter is set to one or more specific Transaction Codes (for example PRC, PRM or GAX), then the Consolidation Option 6 field will be updated with the Transaction Dept of any Payment Request that matches the specified Transaction Code on APPCTRL.
If the value of the CONSOLIDATE_PR_DEPT APPCTRL parameter is blank, then the Consolidation Option 6 field will not be updated.
Both of these options may be used with the Consolidate Credit Memo by Payment Request Transaction Dept option on the Disbursement Parameters (DISPA) table.