Escheat Pre-Selection
The Escheat Pre-Selection (ESCH) page is not completely an inquiry page because records are manually updated after being loaded by the Escheat Pre-Selection batch process. This page and the Escheat Pre-Selection, the Escheat Update process, and the Stale Process are all used in conjunction when both stale-dated and escheated disbursements are done. If only stale-dating or only escheating is done, then that page and processes are not used; instead just the Stale Escheat batch process is used.
Once records are inserted to the ESCH page, one or more users charged with evaluating if the stale-dated disbursements should be moved onto the escheat status will use one of the actions available: Approve Selected and Unapprove Selected to one or more selected records. Alternatively, the Approved indication can be set for an individual record.
Upon running the Escheat Update process, only those records that are Approved will be processed.