Hard Copy Disbursement Count
The Hard Copy Disbursement Count (HCDC) page displays the number of hard copy disbursements that have been issued to a recipient. Hard copy disbursements are those issued by the Automatic Disbursement (AD) and not any issued manually with a Manual Disbursement (MD) transaction or an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) transaction. The counter on the page will be updated during the AD XML Creation portion of the Automated Disbursement process. This allows disbursements created during the current run to be included. If the Automated Disbursement (AD) transaction is rejected during the AD Cleanup job and it is deleted, the counter will be decremented. The count on the page will not be updated when disbursements are cancelled or reprinted.
The first time an AD transaction is created for a recipient, a new record will be inserted to HCDC with the count starting at 1. Each additional AD transaction created for the recipient will increment the HCDC page count by one. If the AD transaction is for an employee, the count will update the record where the Employee Indicator is selected.
Insert and delete actions will not be available but the ability to update an existing record, in a very limited capacity, will be available for times where the count needs to be adjusted manually. If adjusted below the point at which fees are accessed, there will be no automatic system processing to revert those fees. That will be a separate manual effort.