Hard Copy Disbursement Exclusions
When using the hard copy disbursement count feature, the Hard Copy Disbursement Exclusions (HCDE) page is used to define exceptions to be defined to avoid counting certain payments. Use of this page is optional and will not be required if every hard copy disbursement should be counted or considered eligible for a fee.
When establishing records, only one exclusion field will be allowed per record with the exception of a Department and Unit combination as well as TIN Type and TIN combinations. Additionally, a record will require at least 1 exclusion (the Reason and Description fields do not count).
After loading the initial exceptions for making any disbursements for a fiscal year, later additions of records to this page will not result in the application re-evaluating the existing counts. Should this happen and there should be an effort to adjust current counts up (records deleted) or counts down (records added), then that will be a reporting exercise and then either a manual update to the counts tracked or an upload of updated counts. The most opportune time to adjust data on this page is after the last disbursement run of one fiscal year and before the first disbursement run of the next fiscal year.