Hard Copy Disbursement Options

The Hard Copy Disbursement Options (HCDO) page is used to turn on the hard copy disbursement count feature and establishes most of the controls used. Here options are established for counts, warnings, and fees. Should the options on this page change, they will be applied in the next Automated Disbursement cycle.

This page allows a site to:

As with any reference data page in Advantage, this page allows the use of Configurable Validations (BORULE) to add field requirements.  However, access to this page for updates should be very limited and those charged with maintaining the options will be responsible for the data to ensure it is not in violation of any laws. For this reason, the number of edits is limited and in place to ensure proper processing by the Automated Disbursement process.

The Hard Copy Count indication must be True for hard copy disbursements to be counted or for fees to be assessed. This page enables a site to temporarily turn off the counting and any fees applied without having to clear existing setup, so it is in place when the feature is reactivated by changing the indication to False.

The following configurations support the four scenarios above and serve to define how each field is used:

Scenario 1: Count Only

Scenario 2: Count and warn

Scenario 3: Count and fees without warning

Scenario 4: Count, warn, and fees