Paid Check Restore
The Paid Check Restore table allows you to browse for one or more records located on the Paid Check table by entering search criteria in the search/scalar portion of the page. After selecting Apply, all matching records will appear in the grid tab of the page. Occasionally, situations arise where the status of a record on the Paid Checks table needs to be changed to perform additional actions or to rectify a mistake that happened at the Bank. When a change is needed, the record or records should be selected in the grid and then the Mass Update action should be selected from the Grid Actions menu. This action transitions you to the Paid Check Restore Mass Update page.
The Paid Check Restore Mass Update page includes a View Records section that lists all records returned from the search results and the selection check box is selected for all records that were selected on the Paid Check Restore page. You can change your selections, if needed. A Reason for Change field in the Update section captures the reason for the change. If the Update All action is selected, then the value in the Reason for Change field is applied to a hidden database field called Reason for Change Tracking for all of the result set records. If the Update Selected action is selected, then the value in the Reason for Change field is applied to a hidden database field called Reason for Change Tracking for selected records.
The Paid Check Restore Mass Update page also allows authorized users to move records from the Paid Checks table to the Check Reconciliation table, by selecting the Move to CHREC action. Once you have selected all of the records that you want moved from the Paid Check table to the Check Reconciliation table, click the Move to CHREC action. After selecting this action, if the selected records are successfully inserted into the Check Reconciliation table, then the associated entry is removed from the Paid check table. To verify the records were moved successfully, you can navigate to the Check Reconciliation table by selecting the Check Reconciliation link via the page-level menu on Paid Check Restore. If the Check Reconciliation Manual Update Tracking parameter on the Application Parameters (APPCTRL) table is set to Yes, then an audit record is automatically added to Check/Deposit Manual Update Tracking table when the Move to CHREC action is selected and the Reason for Change field on the Check/Deposit Manual Update Tracking table is updated with the value in the hidden database field called Reason for Change Tracking.
When the records are moved to the Check Reconciliation table, the Status field is set to Disbursed/Warranted and the Cleared Date field is set to blank and the Positive Pay Indicator is checked (not displayed and impacts sites that use Positive Pay functionality). The Last Action Date on the Check Reconciliation table is set to the Application Control Date. Check/EFT records can then be moved to the Paid Check table by changing the Status to Paid, setting the Cleared Date field and by running the Check Reconciliation batch process.