Paid Checks
This page allows you to view all checks that have been reconciled by the system. The Check Reconciliation process moves records from the Check Reconciliation table to the Paid Checks table if the Cleared Date is not blank and the Status is not Disbursed/Warranted. Records are moved to the Paid Checks table with their current Status (for example, Paid or Cancelled). You are not allowed to add, modify, or delete information on this page. However, occasionally, situations arise where the user may need to perform additional actions on the records that have already been moved to the Paid Checks table. The additional actions could be due to a mistake that happened internally or that happened at the Bank.
Advantage Financial prohibits additional actions on a Check / EFT record that has already been moved to the Paid Checks table. The Paid Check Restore table allows authorized users to move records from the Paid Checks table to the Check Reconciliation table. When the records are moved to the CHREC table, the Status field is set to Disbursed/Warranted and the Cleared Date field is set to blank. Check/EFT records can then be moved to the Paid Checks table by changing the Status to Paid, setting the Cleared Date field and by running the Check Reconciliation batch process.
The Paid Check Archiving chain job archives records on the Paid Checks table that are no longer required. The records can be restored by the Paid Check Table Restore batch job. Refer to the CGI Advantage Financial - Utilities Run Sheets guide for more information on these jobs.
Currently, users can transition to the Paid Checks page from Paid Check Restore, Vendor Payment History, and Vendor Transaction History. For example, the user is on the Vendor Transaction History page and selects the Paid Checks hyperlink. When this is done, the Back hyperlink on the Paid Checks page is enabled allowing the user to return to Vendor Transaction History.
The Paid Check page contains the following actions/links:
Page-level actions/linksPage-level actions/links
Paid Check Restore
Check Writer Payment
Accrual Inquiry
Check/Deposit Manual Update Tracking - This page provides a link to the Check/Deposit Manual Update Tracking page, which allows you to view the check reconciliation, deposit reconciliation, and exception records that were manually updated as well as the user who made the updates, when the updates were made, and the reason for the updates.
Paid Checks Update - Transitions to a special page to update a limited number of Paid Check attributes.