Payment Hold Maintenance

The Payment Hold Maintenance (PHLDM) table stores information regarding hold requests, removal requests, and Allow Bypass requests. The table is updated by the following processes or transactions:

To change/update fields on this page, you must select the Modify Existing Record hyperlink. This creates a new PHM transaction with the current values from the PHLDM table. You can update the fields as needed and submit the transaction. Changes and updates made on the transaction will be updated to this table.

The Update Payment Hold Details (PHLDMD) page allows you to make changes to fields that are protected on the Payment Hold Maintenance (PHLDM) page. Changes made on this page will be updated to the Payment Hold Maintenance page.

The Update Notice Printing Information (PHLDNP) page allows you to update printing information for notices for fields that are protected on the Payment Hold Maintenance (PHLDM) page. Changes made on this page are updated to the Payment Hold Maintenance page.

Records can only be updated if the Payment Hold Action on the Payment Hold Maintenance page is set to Request Hold or Remove Bypass. To update the address fields, the appropriate Hold Type record on Payment Hold Type by Department (PHLDTD) page must be found to infer the Require Valid Vendor Address and Contact field.