Payment Hold Requests
Payment hold requests can be created in multiple ways; however, all payment hold requests, removals, and bypass requests will be stored on the Payment Hold Maintenance (PHLDM) table.
The first way to request a hold is by using the Payment Hold by TIN (PHLDTIN) table, where Taxpayer information with owed debts is stored by Taxpayer ID/TIN Type or by Vendor/Taxpayer ID/Tin Type. The Payment Hold by TIN table may be updated online or via an interface file from external agencies. Records on the Payment Hold by TIN table will be processed by the Select Payment Hold by TIN batch job to identify matching records on the Vendor Customer (VCUST) table. If an active, valid Vendor (Miscellaneous and Internal must be unchecked) is located, a record is added to Payment Hold Maintenance table with a Payment Hold Action of Request Hold.
The second way to request a hold is to submit a Payment Hold Maintenance (PHM) transaction. Submit action for the PHM transaction will create a record on the Payment Hold Maintenance table, which will include the name of the User and Date the Hold was requested.
The third way to create a payment hold request is to cancel an AD or MD transaction type using Cancellation Types of Hold and Payment Request. The submit action will create payment request records for the referenced payment transactions on the Payment Hold Maintenance table, instead of checking the User Hold field and setting the Hold Payment Reason to “1” on DISRQ as currently being utilized.
The fourth way, is to select User Hold or Disbursement Management Hold on Disbursement Request (DISRQ) table, Disbursement Management (DISBM) page, or Disbursement Management by Transaction (DISBMD) page and the Save action will add a record to the Payment Hold Maintenance (PHLDM) table.