Payment Hold by TIN

The Payment Hold by TIN (PHLDTN) table stores Taxpayer’s information with owed or settled judgment debts. The Payment Hold by TIN table is read by the Select Payment Hold by TIN batch process to identify Vendors and Taxpayer IDs that have a matching record on the Vendor Customer (VCUST) table.  Active Vendors that are located will have a payment hold record added to the Payment Hold Maintenance table at the Hold Level of Automated Vendor. The Automated Payment Hold batch process will be run to read the Payment Hold Maintenance table and update the automated payment hold fields on the Disbursement Request (DISRQ) table if undisbursed payment requests are found.

Records will be added or updated to the Payment Hold by TIN table by:

  • Load Payment Hold by TIN batch process

  • Select Payment Hold by TIN batch process

  • Users with security access

The Load Payment Hold by TIN batch job is used to load files from external agencies so appropriate payments can be held until the external agencies can send an update that the debt has been cleared.  Interface files will have a Taxpayer ID and TIN Type; however, no Vendor Code or Address ID is required.  Address fields will be loaded by the batch job with data from the interface files.

Records can be manually added to Payment Hold by TIN table.  If Vendor Code is populated then Address ID is required. Vendor Code must have the Taxpayer ID populated on VCUST. Address ID will infer the information for the Address fields from the VCUST table based on the default address flag.  If no default address exists, an error will be issued and the user will be required to choose an Address ID.

With proper authorization, records can be manually updated to this table.  Records on this table will be closed by populating the Date Debt Removed field either manually, thru the interface files if the record was created by the Load Payment Hold by TIN batch process or by the Payment Hold Maintenance transaction with a Payment Hold Action of Remove Hold if the record was manually entered.