Print Payment Held Notices

Payment Hold Notices can be generated to send to Vendors regarding undisbursed payment requests that are on hold. Print Payment Hold Notices field set to Yes on the Hold Type by Department table indicates if payment hold notices will be generated for a Hold Type code.

The Payment Hold Notice Text (PHLDNT) table allows authorized users to create text that will print on the payment hold notices. Payment Hold Notices are sent to taxpayers with outstanding debts and payments that are being held.

The Print Payment Hold Notice History (PHLDNH) table provides information regarding Reference Printed Payment Notice Number, Address Information, Date and User to last request notice printing. Scheduled Print Date is provided for unprinted payment hold notices as well as the ability to request a reprint.

For detailed information on the Automated Payment Hold jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage Accounts Payable Run Sheets guide.