Removal of Payment Holds

The Removal of payment holds can be accomplished in multiple ways. First, the interface files can be loaded into the Payment Hold by TIN (PHLDTIN) table. The interface file will contain an existing record already on the Payment Hold by TIN table with the Date Debt Added field populated. The record is located on the Payment Hold by TIN table and the Date Debt Removed field is populated. The Select Payment Hold by TIN batch job is run which locates records on the Payment Hold Maintenance table to update the Payment Hold Action to Remove Hold and populate the Hold Removal Date with the date value from the Payment Hold by TIN Date Debt Removed field. Second, records can be manually updated on the Payment Hold by TIN table by authorized users by populating the Date Debt Added field only if the Automated Payment Hold Source is set to Manual Entry on the Payment Hold by TIN table. The Select Payment Hold by TIN batch job is run which locates records on the Payment Hold Maintenance table to update the Payment Hold Action to Remove Hold and populate the Hold Removal Date with the date value from the Payment Hold by TIN Date Debt Removed field. Third, a payment hold can be removed by submitting a Payment Hold Maintenance (PHM) transaction with a Payment Hold Action of Remove Hold. The Hold Removal Date will default in the Application Control Date. Fourth, the Save action on DISRQ, DISBM or DISBMD will update records on Payment Hold Maintenance table when User Holds and Disbursement Management Holds are deselected.  

Payment Hold Notices can be generated to send to Vendors regarding undisbursed payment requests that are on hold. The Print Payment Hold Notices field set to Yes on the Hold Type by Department table will indicate if payment hold notices will be generated for a Hold Type code. The Payment Hold Notice Text table allows authorized users to create text to appear in the payment hold notices. The Print Payment Hold Notice History table will provide online information for Users regarding the Reference Printed Payment Notice Number, Address Information, Date and User to last request notice printing. Scheduled Print Date will be provided for unprinted payment hold notices as well as the ability to request a reprint.

Payment Hold Archive batch process will be used to archive applicable records from the Payment Hold Maintenance, Payment Hold Activity, and Print Payment Hold Notice History tables. Applicable records on the payment hold tables can only be deleted after archiving has occurred on related existing baseline tables and in the Payment Hold Maintenance transaction.