Steps to Establish Remittance Advice Emails
The following setup/steps are required to establish Remittance Advice emails in Advantage.
Distribution Format (DISF) – Establish one or more records as necessary to encompass all necessary formats. Refer to the “Distribution Format” section below for more information.
Vendor Customer (VCUST) – Update those vendors configured for EFT payments with remittance advice settings. When it comes to establishing whether a remittance advice is required and in what format it should be, there are two levels available within the vendor information hierarchy. The first is at the vendor/customer record and the second is at the individual address level. The second is optional unless a remittance advice is required but not setup at the first level. If set up at both, the settings at the address will take precedence for disbursements at that address. Refer to the “Vendor Customer” section below for more information.
Disbursement Printing Job – The Disbursement Type parameter must be set correctly. Refer to the “Disbursement Printing Job” section below for more information.
EF ACH Transaction Chain – In the event there was any custom logic from a prior release, remove it to use baseline functionality. Refer to the “EF ACH Transaction Chain” section below for more information.
Distribution Format
Internal and external requirements dictate the necessary remittance advice format(s).
Begin by selecting the Disbursement Type of Remittance Advice and establishing a format code, name, and description.
Set the Remittance Advice Transmission Mode: Postal, Email – as an Attachment, or Email – Embedded HTML.
Set the Default Remittance Advice Transmission Mode.
Complete the Sender’s Email with the appropriate address and enter an Email Subject to appear on each email.
Establish the standard language of remittance advice emails in Email Message. Please note, dynamic data fields can be included in the standardized email message to include referential / responsive pieces of information inferred by the Advantage system. A sample email is included below:
This email is to inform you of an Electronic Funds Transfer. Your financial institution should receive the deposit within the next 48 hours. The remittance detail of EFT Number %CHK_NO% dated %CHK_EFT_ISS_DT% is included in this message.
Vendor Customer
With disbursement formats established, the next step is to update vendor records to enable remittance advice correspondence, if not already done. Please note the earlier information about there being two locations for this information and use the appropriate one for each vendor. Hint, use update scripts to speed up the process and remove the chance of human error.
The first step is to update remittance advice fields, selecting the Remittance Advice indication and updating the defaulting Remittance Advice Format if not desired.
The next step is the update components of the payment address record(s) with an email address and Correspondence Type must be ‘Email’.
Disbursement Printing Job
The Disbursement Printing Job prints checks, warrants and prints / emails remittance advices, and is part of existing Automated Disbursement process. Ensure the value for the Disbursement Type Parameter (DISB_TYP_PARM) is blank, which allows for the printing of all eligible records.
EF ACH Transaction Chain
In the event there was a custom third step for the EF ACH Transaction chain to email the remittance advice, that step has to be removed from the chain in order to use baseline functionality.