Transaction Changes

When using the External Payment option, the Disbursement Bank Account will be used in place of the standard Bank Account Code. Typically, Bank Account Code is inferred to transactions or is set based on other configurations such as the Fund. Configurations can also be made to infer the Disbursement Bank Account. The following are suggestions for inference at the transaction level or other transaction related information for External Payment.

Inference logic of Disbursement Bank Account (DISB_BANK_ACCT_CD)

  • Two Configurable Formulas (BOFRMLA) need created to implement the inference logic of the Disbursement Bank Account (DISB_BANK_ACCT_CD) from Warrant Clearing Inference page onto disbursement transactions upon final submission. This inference is based on a combination of Disbursement Category, Disbursement Type, and Disbursement Format as well as Fiscal year information on AD, EFT, and MD transaction headers. The Disbursement Bank Account field is protected and included in the Disbursement Details section of AD, EFT, and MD transaction headers. This inference applies to the New transaction function, not Modification or Cancellation functions.

  • Additionally, two Configurable Validations (BORULE) are provided to validate and trigger an error message preventing final submission of disbursement transactions when there is no matching entry found on the Warrant Clearing Inference page for the above specified combination.

Sites should configure the following BOFRMLA and BORULE records for AD and MD transactions to utilize the External Payment functionality:

BORULE to populate Disbursement Bank Account (DISB_BANK_ACCT_CD) on Automated  Disbursement Transaction Header (AD_DOC_HDR) or Manual Disbursement (MD_DOC_HDR)

  1. The Name and Description fields are not involved in the default. Define as desired.

  2. Business Object: AD_DOC_HDR or MD_DOC_HDR. 

  3. Trigger Action: Validated or Submitted. 

  4. Formula Field: DISB_BANK_ACCT_CD. 

  5. Formula: 

var disbBankAcctCd = this.getDISB_BANK_ACCT_CD()
if((this.getDOC_FUNC_CD() == AMSCommonConstants.DOC_FUNC_NEW) && (this.getWrntClrngDisbBankAcct() != null))
disbBankAcctCd = this.getWrntClrngDisbBankAcct()
return disbBankAcctCd

  1. Active: true.

  2. Priority: 999.

BORULE to validate Disbursement Bank Account (DISB_BANK_ACCT_CD) field inference and issue constraint on the Automated Disbursement Transaction Header (AD_DOC_HDR) or Manual Disbursement (MD_DOC_HDR)

  1. The Name, Description and Severity fields are not involved in the default. Define as desired.

  2. Business Object: AD_DOC_HDR or MD_DOC_HDR. 

  3. Trigger Action: Validated or Submitted. 

  4. Validation Field: DISB_BANK_ACCT_CD . 

  5. Validation Text: The Disbursement Bank Account does not exist on the Warrant Clearing Inference page (or a message of preference).

  6. Validation Type: Validation.

  7. Validation: 

(this.getWrntClrngDisbBankAcct() == null) && (this.getDOC_FUNC_CD() == AMSCommonConstants.DOC_FUNC_NEW)

  1. Active: true.

  2. Priority: 999.

Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Generated Flag (WRNT_CLR_FL)

The Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Generated flag (WRNT_CLR_FL) on AD Transaction Header (AD_DOC_HDR) supports the External Payment feature. It is a database field without user interface and does not apply on MD transactions. The indicator is set to true by the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction process after the process selects the disbursement transaction and creates a record in the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer database table.

Warrant Reconciliation (WR) Transaction Cancellation

If there is Disbursement Bank Account value associated with referenced disbursement transactions when the WR transaction is cancelled: 

  • Regardless of the Check/EFT Numbering flag (CHK_EFT_NO_FL) value, the original Check/EFT number (CHK_EFT_NO) is retained as it is on the WR transaction, referenced disbursement transactions, and associated Check Reconciliation (CHREC) page record.

  • Regardless of the External Disbursement Option value on the SOPT (System Options) page, the Check/EFT Issue Date (CHK_EFT_ISS_DT) from the previous version is retained onto the WR transaction, referenced disbursement transactions, and associated Check Reconciliation (CHREC) page record.

Cancellation function of Disbursement Cancellation (DC) Transaction 

  • The modification is applied when Disbursement Bank Account value is present on referenced disbursement (AD and MD) transactions and applies to DC transaction type with all sub types except Check Writer (CW).

  • Upon DC transaction cancellation regardless of the External Disbursement Option value on the SOPT (System Options) page, the Cleared Date (CLR_DT) is blanked out on the associated Check Reconciliation (CHREC) record. This ensures that records remain on the Check Reconciliation page even after the Check Reconciliation Process is run. The Check Reconciliation records can be moved to the Paid Check page later, if needed, by populating the Cleared Date.