Understand Disbursement Cancellation

In order to understand Disbursement cancellation and reclassification in Advantage Financial, you will need to know the following:

Criteria for Cancellation or Reclassification

In order to cancel any disbursement (for example, Automated Disbursements, Manual Disbursements, or Electronic Funds Transfer), the payment must be ‘eligible’ for cancellation. The following must be true in order for a payment to be eligible for cancellation:

Disbursement Cancellation Parameters

The Disbursement Cancellation Parameters table allows you to establish your selection criteria for cancelling disbursements. Each record on this page is a complete set of cancellation parameters and will select a group of records for cancellation. This parameter page is used by the Mass Cancellation batch process. Please refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage Accounts Payable Run Sheets guide for more information about the batch process.

Reclassification Types

In order to account for a variety of possible accounting scenarios, different cancellation and reclassification types have been identified for canceling or reclassifying disbursements in CGI Advantage Financial. They are as follows: Reschedule, Hold, Close, PR Cancellation, Stale, Escheat, Cancel, and Warrant Reconciliation.  

The first four cancellation types are used to reverse the effects of the original disbursement and are initiated via a Discard to the original disbursement transaction, or by running the Mass Cancellation batch process. These first four are referred to as cancellation types. When the disbursement transactions with Transaction Types of AD, EFT and MD are cancelled using the cancellation type of PR Cancellation, Hold, or Reschedule, the value for the Interest Ineligible flag on the referenced Payment Request transactions will be checked (set to True). When the value for this flag is checked, it will not be considered during the Automated Interest Calculation batch process to determine interest eligibility. The value comes from the payment request transaction to the Disbursement Request (DISRQ) table and the AD Chain will update the AD disbursement transaction. This is to ensure that during the Automated Interest Calculation batch process the disbursement record and all its accounting lines will be excluded from interest payment. Please refer the “Automated Interest Calculation” topic in this user guide for more information on this process.

Retain Discount from Cancelled Disbursement


This parameter indicates Discount Terms on a cancelled disbursement with a Cancellation Type of Reschedule, Hold, or PR Cancellation will be retained for any re-issued disbursement.  If True, the Discount Terms will be retained.  If False, the Discount Terms will not be retained.

When a disbursement is cancelled with the reasons of PR Cancellation, Hold, or Rescheduled the system will update the Payment Request information to the DISRQ table. There are three parameters on Application Parameter that may impact how some of the fields on DISRQ are set (depending upon your site’s setup).

For Payment Requests of transaction type “PR”, the Commodity Information on DISRQ will be populated from original Payment Request transactions since there will be no commodity information on the Disbursement Transaction.  A combination of Referenced Transaction Code, Referenced Transaction Department, Referenced Transaction ID, Referenced Vendor Line, Referenced Accounting Line, and Referenced Commodity Line in the Reference tab of the disbursement transaction will be used to get the original Payment Request transaction.

The Cancellation Types of Stale, Escheat, and Cancel are used to re-classify the original expenditure to a liability account, while Warrant Reconciliation is used to re-classify the monies booked by the disbursement to warrants payable as cash. These four reclassification types are processed via the Disbursement Cancellation (DC) transaction.

PR Cancellation







Warrant Reconciliation

Request Reversal or Cancellation of EFT Payments through the EFT Reversal Table

The EFT Reversal (EFTREV) table is a user-maintained table that allows authorized users to:

Requests to reverse applicable EFT transactions can only be inserted manually on the EFT Reversal table when the ACH File Generation status on the EFT transaction Header is Generated or Re-generated. However, records on this table can be updated manually by authorized users, the Reversal ACH Transaction batch process or the Returned ACH Transaction batch process (see run sheet for more information on these processes). The Generate Reversal ACH file batch process selects the records with the EFT Reversal Status set to Request Reversal and builds the ACH file. The file will be sent to the bank. Once the bank confirms the reversal of the ACH transactions, the status will be changed to Reversal Confirmed. The Initiate Disbursement Cancellation batch process selects the records with status set to Reversal Confirmed and initiates the disbursement cancellation by inserting the records into the Disbursement Cancellation parameter table.  This table supports EFT transactions with the Disbursement Type of EFT and the Disbursement Format of CTX, CCD, or PPD.

An EFT reclamation is a procedure used to recover government funds when a death or legal incapacity terminates the rights of the recipient or a beneficiary of the recipient to receive certain payments such as pension, annuity, or other benefit payments. This is a special case of EFT reversal. Since reclamation may not happen in the same year as when the disbursement was made, the cancellation of the disbursement may occur in a different year.

Note: If an EFT was processed under the Warrant model and a WR transaction has already reclassified the Warrants Payable into Cash, any subsequent cancellation of the EFT will reverse the Warrants Payable but not the Cash. Therefore, additional manual accounting adjustments will be needed.

The EFTREV table has the following edits.

The following table summarizes allowable / not allowable manual changes of the Reversal Status field on the EFT Reversal table:



Allowed vs. Not Allowed

Any valid value

One of the following values:

  • Request Reversal

  • Reversal sent to the bank

  • Reversal returned by the bank

  • EFT cancel request Failed

  • EFT cancel initiated

  • Payment and Reversal Returned by the Bank

Not Allowed

Request Reversal

EFT cancel initiated

Reversal confirmed

Not Allowed

Reversal sent to the bank

Reversal returned to the bank

EFT cancel request Failed

Payment and Reversal Returned by the Bank

Reversal confirmed
