Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction Process
This process automatically transfers and records the cash flow to Disbursement Bank Account. It initiates accounting transactions for movement of cash into and out of the Warrant Clearing Fund and into and out of Disbursement Bank Accounts instead of the standard Bank Accounts. The process also generates a report showing each Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer transactions at the Summary level.
Listed below is the database table and transaction details generated by the process.
It is an intermediary table with records used as an input to create XML for generation of Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer transactions and to generate the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction Summary Report by the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction process. The table has database fields without user interface.
The table has the following fields and the process in the below table refers to the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction process, which updates the values to this table.
Field Name |
Description |
Process Run Date (RUN_DT) |
The date on which the process is run and the record is inserted. The process updates the Application System Date from the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) page. |
Record Number (REC_NO) |
Record Number is a unique identification to be auto generated by the system based on the UNID (Unique Identification) setting. |
Fiscal Year (FY) |
The Fiscal Year for which the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer transaction is created. The process updates the value from the AD/EFT record. |
Disbursement Category (DISB_CAT) |
The Disbursement Category of the AD/EFT record for which the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer transaction is created. The process updates the value from the AD/EFT transaction. |
Disbursement Type (DISB_TYP) |
The Disbursement Type of the AD/EFT record for which the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer transaction is created. The process updates the value from the AD/EFT transaction. |
Disbursement Clearing Bank Account (DISB_CLRG_BANK_ACC) |
The disbursement clearing bank account of the AD/EFT record for which the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer transaction is created. The Disbursement Clearing / Funding Bank Account value is updated by the process from the Warrant Clearing Inference page. |
Increase/Decrease Indicator (INCR_DCRS_IND) |
This indicates whether the record is for an Increase (deposit) or for a decrease (withdrawal) to the Disbursement Clearing/ Funding bank account. The value is updated from the Warrant Clearing Inference table. |
Warrant Clearing Fund (WRNT_CLRG_FUND) |
The Fund in which the Warrant Clearing bank transfer is being accounted for and inferred from the Warrant Clearing Inference page. |
Warrant Clearing Sub fund (WRNT_CLRG_SFUND) |
The Sub Fund in which the Warrant Clearing bank transfer is being accounted for and inferred from the Warrant Clearing Inference page. |
Transfer Date (XFER_DT) |
The date on which fund is to be transferred. This is the Check/EFT Issue Date for Disbursement Type other than EFT and for EFT with Increase Disbursement Clearing Account. For Disbursement Type EFT, the Transfer Date is calculated by adding the EFT Transfer Days lag job parameter value to Check/EFT Issue Date. When adding this lag value, weekends and holidays as defined on the Calendar Date (CLDT) table are excluded. The lag is calculated for all cases except Increase Disbursement Clearing Account. |
Transaction Type |
This field contains the Transaction Type for the transaction that is created by the process. The value is either Bank Only or Warrant updated from the Warrant Clearing Inference page. |
Amount (AM) |
This field stores the sum of check amounts of the selected AD/EFT records that are summarized based on Fiscal Year, Disbursement Type, Disbursement Category, Disbursement Format, Check/EFT Issue Date, and Run ID. Value is used to form the accounting line amount of the transaction created. |
Disbursement Run Id (RUN_ID) |
The disbursement Run ID of the AD/EFT record for which the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer transaction is created. The process updates the value from the AD/EFT transaction. |
Transaction Code (GEN_DOC_CD) |
This field stores the Transaction Code of the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer transaction created from the batch parameter value provided in the job. |
Transaction Department Code (GEN_DOC_DEPT_CD) |
This field stores the Transaction Department Code of the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction created from the batch parameter value provided. |
Transaction ID (GEN_DOC_ID) |
This field stores the Transaction ID of the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction created. |
Version Number (GEN_VERS_NO) |
This field stores the Version Number of the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer transaction created. |
Disbursement Format (DISB_FRMT) |
The Disbursement Format of the AD/EFT record for which the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer transaction is created. The process updates the value from the AD/EFT transaction. |
Transaction Creation Date (DOC_CREA_DT) |
The process updates the value with the System Date from the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) page. |
Transactions Generated Transactions Generated
The following transactions are generated by the process and can be any of the ABS or CH Transaction Types:
Summary Warrant transactions are created to enable daily cash reconciliation between the book records and the bank record (activity: withdrawal from bank account).
Bank Only Transactions enable the transfer of funds between two bank accounts.
The Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer transaction represents the accounting activity in the Warrant Clearing Fund and Disbursement Clearing bank accounts with automatic cash transfers.
Below are the field level updates on 3 kinds of transactions generated by the process:
Vendor Line: For transactions that use the Transaction Type of ABS, a vendor line with blank values is inserted into the transaction. For transactions that use the Transaction Type of CH, no vendor line is required.
Bank Account: The field is updated by the Disbursement Clearing Bank Account (DISB_CLRG_BANK_ACC) value on the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer table for Bank Only and Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer (WCBT) transactions. The field is updated by the SUMM_BANK_ACCT batch parameter value for Summary Warrant transactions.
Bank Account is updated on the Accounting Line for Transaction Type ABS and on the Header for CH Transaction Type.
BAI Code: The field is updated by the value provided in batch parameters of respective transactions. BAI Code is updated on the Accounting Line for Transaction Type ABS and on the Header for Transaction Type CH.
Event Type: The Event Type used by transactions are updated as per the Event Type defined in the batch parameter.
Fund: The Fund in the Accounting Line is updated by the Warrant Clearing Fund (WRNT_CLRG_FUND) from the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer table only for Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer (WCBT) transactions and not for the other two kinds of transactions.
Sub Fund: Sub Fund in the Accounting line is updated by Warrant Clearing Sub Fund (WRNT_CLRG_SFUND) from the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer table only for Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer (WCBT) transactions.
Fiscal Year, Budget Fiscal Year, and Accounting Period: These fields are updated by batch parameters.
Line Amount: The amount is set to a positive value if the record in Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer has an increase indicator. Otherwise, the amount is set as negative. For Summary Warrant transactions, the Line Amount is always negated.
Line Description: The Disbursement Run ID is set on the Accounting Line Description field by concatenating Disbursement Run ID and Record Number (REC_NO) in the following structure: Disbursement Run ID <Run ID of Disbursement>; WCBT Record Number < REC_NO from Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer table against that record>; (except for Summary Warrant transactions)
Balance Sheet Account: The BSA on posting lines of transactions are inferred based on the Posting Code setup.
Note: There are a few fields that are not available on the user interface. The fields are visible on TT (Clone of GAX) and TRF (Clone of CH) transactions.