Business Area Overview

Financial Administration is very different from the other business areas of Advantage that contain transactions, reference pages, inquiries and system processes to conduct certain business functions such as Inventory or Accounts Receivable. This business area is only inquiry pages and reference pages with delivered setup on those reference pages that are shared by other areas of Advantage.

The following configurations exist in the Financial Administration area:

  1. Transactions

  2. Accounting

  3. Dates

  4. Accounting Periods

  5. Fiscal Years

  6. Budget Fiscal Years

  7. Journals

  8. Ledgers

  9. Fund Balance Controls

  10. Cash Balance Controls

  11. Miscellaneous System Options

The following inquiries exist in the Financial Administration area:

  1. Balance Sheet Account Balances

  2. Fund Balances

  3. Cash Balances

  4. Journals

  5. Ledgers