CGI Advantage Financial Reports

The major reports generated from CGI Advantage are listed alphabetically in the table below. To learn more about the job that generates a specific report, click on the job name in the Description column.

Report Name


Accounting Period Close Report

The report provides a listing of all accounting periods closed during the execution of the Accounting Period Close report job.

Balance Sheet for Governmental Funds Report

This report is generated by the Balance Sheet for Governmental Funds report job.

Budget vs. Actual Report for Expense

This report is generated by the Budget vs. Actual Report for Expense report job.

Budget vs. Actual Report for Revenue

This report is generated by the Budget vs. Actual Report for Revenue report job.

Encumbrance Activity Report

This report is generated by the Encumbrance Activity report job.

Encumbrance Activity 2 Report

This report is generated by the Encumbrance Activity 2 report job.

Transaction Listing Report

The Transaction Listing report provides a detailed listing of specified transactions as they appear in the Journals.  This report is generated by the Transaction Listing report job.