COA Service Date Editing
When service to and from dates are not defaulting on Purchase Orders and must be entered to reflect the period of time the commodity is going to be delivered over, there is a means to ensure that referencing Invoice (IN) and Payment Requests (PR) transactions that starts with defining the IN or PR transaction code to not default service dates and edit against the dates of the referenced transaction. At this point there is not any ‘COA’ service date editing but only service date editing. To get into COA service date editing, there are several other setup points to implement this type of accounts payable editing based on chart of account codes. Editing is triggered with Transaction Control, Application Parameter, Appropriation, and one or more of Object, Sub Object, and Department Object updates. Unless all are in place, the editing is ‘off’.
Application ParametersApplication Parameters
The Application Parameter (APPCTRL) page contains a Service Date Object Level (SRV_DT_OB_LVL) field that must have at least R_OBJ, R_SOBJ, or R_DOBJ entered for the COA Service Date Editing logic to determine the manner of how the edit will happen when a transaction is setup on Transaction Control as Use COA Settings. Multiple values are required if multiple object levels should supply a type of edit and the order will determine the precedence. The first table will be reviewed first and if it has a setting other than See Next Level then the system uses the setting of the first table. In the event See Next Level is found then that table will defer to the next table.
Please note that the system will default to no editing in several situations:
Only 1 COA is listed on the APPCTRL record
No code is entered in the selected COA field.
Code is entered but the setting for Service Date Editing is See Next Level and there. To prevent this, the Service Date Editing field on the COA reference page must not allow the See Next Level choice with a Configurable Rule (BORULE).
More than 1 COA is listed on the APPCTRL records
No codes are entered in the selected COA fields.
A code is entered in the first as See Next Level and there is no code in the second COA field. To prevent this from occurring, the Sub Object or Department Object should be always required or required for a given Object code.
Codes are entered in both COA fields but both are set to See Next Level. To prevent this, the Service Date Editing field on the second COA reference page must not allow the See Next Level choice with a Configurable Rule (BORULE).
Transaction ControlTransaction Control
When the Service Date editing choice is Use COA Settings on Transaction Control (DCTRL) for a transaction code in the PR transaction type or the ABS / GAX transaction type / sub type, this triggers the system to do a special type of service date editing based on the appropriation and one or more levels of object. To use this type of editing, mixing appropriations with different settings and objects with different types of edits will trigger an edit when there is a mixture of either. This error can be setup to reject and the transaction has to be broken down into multiple or the user will have to override the error while manually verifying the most restrictive of the service date edits. For this reason, care should be taken when creating transactions in the PO transaction type or the General Accounting Encumbrance (GAE) that types of appropriations and objects are not mixed.
Unlike the choice of Use Referenced Transaction Only, COA service date editing does not require there to be a referenced commodity or accounting line. Please see a later section on the exact details of these edits.
The Appropriation (APPR) reference page has a Service Date Editing field that determines if COA Service Date Editing should occur and if so then how. The field supports the following three values:
None – This setting will cause the system to exit out of the editing.
Both Dates – This setting will cause the system to edit that the Service From and Service To dates.
Service To Only – This setting will cause the system to edit only the Service To date and the Service From date will not be considered.
This field has been delivered hidden and has to be exposed with the Configure Page in order to populate it to a value other than None.
Object, Sub Object, Department ObjectObject, Sub Object, Department Object
Each of these object reference pages has a Service Date Editing field that determines if COA Service Date Editing should occur and if so then how. The field supports the following three values:
See Next Level – This value will be used if the code should not specify how the edit should occur. This includes codes that should not edit as well as those that should look to the next level of the object hierarchy as defined in the Application Parameter.
Type A – Service from has to be on or after any referenced service from date. If there is no reference, service from has to be on or after start date of the fiscal year. Service to has to be on or before the end date of the fiscal year. The fiscal year is that of the accounting line that has been entered or is defaulting.
Type B – Service from has to be on or after any referenced service from date. If there is no reference, service from has to be on or after start date of budget fiscal year. Service to has to be on or before the lapse period end date of the budget fiscal year. The budget fiscal year is that of the accounting line that has been inferred, entered, or is defaulting. In the event the BFY is 9999 then the system uses the fiscal year to determine Start Date and Lapse Period End Date.
Type C – Unlike A and B, Type C requires there to be a reference that has the reference type of partial or final. The service from date must be on or after the more recent of the Start Date of the fiscal year or the referenced service from date. The service to date must be on or before the lesser of the End Date of the fiscal year or the referenced service to date.
Type D – Like C, Type D requires that there to be a reference that has the reference type of partial or final. The service from date must be on or after the more recent of the Start Date of the budget fiscal year or the referenced service from date. The service to date must be on or before the lesser of the Lapse Period End Date of the budget fiscal year or the referenced service to date. If the BFY is 9999 then the system uses the fiscal year to determine the Start Date and Lapse Period End Date.