
The Contact page identifies Advantage Financial users associated with particular activities. Examples of the kind of activities in Advantage Financial with which a contact could be associated are budgeting, cost accounting entities, billings, claims, specific funds or specific organizations. Information to reach a contact is optionally entered for each contact on the page.

A field listing is not provided, as all fields are self-explanatory. Of note, the Contact Code is system-assigned according to a numbering scheme on the Unique Number (UNUM) page. Contact Function is an optional way to group contact. The series of indications classifying a contact are generally not edited when associating a contact to system information, but serve as reporting information similar to the Contact Function.

When the functions or roles of a contact are not represented fully by the check boxes found on the Contact (CNTAC) page, the Contact Function page can be used to define new functions and roles to provide additional information for a contact. Use of this page is optional and values will be custom to an implementation. A field listing is not provided as all fields are self-explanatory.

Advantage does have one designed use of the Contact Function feature. The Vendor Self Service application has the ability for users to look up contact information for a department. That information comes from the Contact page, including the Contact Function Name, which is displayed in the Role field.