Debt - Accounting Model
The event types in this area are a mixture of event types that are from other functional areas and some that are pure debt accounting. Each of the three Major Types of Debt - Bonds, Loans, and Leases – are included in this tab. There were event types for Bonds and Loans in previous releases, which remain in this tab, but are called out very clearly as ones used outside of the Debt Management Module and may still be used if that module is not implemented.
Debt accounting is one that is often customized for the particular needs of a site. The following event types are provided as a sample means of recording debt that can be used as delivered, customized, augmented, or not used in lieu of a completely custom model. The delivered event types are ordered in a life cycle method. For those event types used with Debt Management, the delivered transaction codes generated by the batch programs are specified. That is not to imply that the event types, or just the posting codes, could not be used on a transaction like the Journal Voucher if automatic accounting is not desired.
This topic includes information on the following: