Event Category
Various accounting events in a financial application lend themselves to certain groupings such as Disbursements, Procurement, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and so forth. These groupings often have a purpose other than just reporting or classification. Each is slightly different in the form of debits and credits that will be produced. For instance, procurement will usually just record an account such as Encumbrances with an offset to Reserve for Encumbrances. However, a disbursement can record a Cash Expenditure with loss of Cash, an Intercept Payable with Intercepted Cash, and a Fixed Asset along with an offset. In addition to controlling posting logic, event categories provide specific edits, default account inference logic, and the ability to define rules at a level higher than event type.
What postings actually occur is dependent upon the Event Type Processor used, and that is determined by the Event Category used. While there are many Event Type Processors for different functional areas, there is a single generic processor that handles simple accounting events where only a single pair of debits and credits are posted. Additional event categories can be added to the application, but they will use the generic event type processor by default.
Fields on the Event Category (ECAT) are as follows, with common fields omitted:
Field Name |
Field Description |
Event Category |
A unique identifier assigned to an event category that is used by the application to call a specific event type processor when applicable. |
Post Pair A to P |
Each of the 16 posting pairs available contains a text field for assigning a name to the pair that will be visible when establishing an event type for easy reference. The names only give a description to a posting pair. What is actually recorded in a pair is up to the specific event type processor and requires a technical effort to change a pair, remove a pair, or add a pair. |
Reversal |
When one accounting line references another with a reference type of Partial, Final, or Inverse, if this indication is true for the event category of the event type used on the referenced transaction, a liquidation posting line will be created by the referencing transaction. |
Fixed Asset Cost |
When the Fixed Asset Shell Generation Process runs to create fixed asset transaction shells for manual completion, this indication is used to determine which of the posting lines on the disbursement should comprise the total amount for an asset accounting line. |
Debt History |
When this indication is true, the posting lines for the posting pair will update the respective Debt History page (Loan, Lease, or Bond) when a Debt ID is present. For event categories where more than one posting pair is used for debt accounting the Debt History indications for those posting pairs should be reviewed. Some may want both postings for 2-party accounting to update the history so both can be viewed as a zero-sum impact while some may only want an update from the borrower. The same is true for accounting where two postings are made for the same amount. Some may want to see both updates while others only want one so the update does not appear doubled. |
Event category names can be adjusted for reporting needs, but the ID values should not be changed unless they use the generic processor. If new categories are created, they should begin with an X to ensure that future delivered categories do not conflict with custom categories.
The following table contains those event type categories in alphabetical order by Event Category ID delivered along with the Event Type Processor used.
ID |
Name |
Processor |
Activate a Budget Line |
n/a |
Establish Accrual |
Generic |
Automated Accruals |
Generic |
Manual Accrual Clearing |
Manual Accrual Clearing |
Automated Clearing |
Automated Accrual Clearing |
Accrual Disallowance |
Generic |
Accounting |
Generic |
Automatic Disb |
Disbursements |
AP |
Accounts Payable |
Accounts Payable |
CA |
Cost Accounting |
Generic |
Delete a Budget Line |
n/a |
Deposits |
Accounts Receivable |
DNO1 |
Double Non-Offset Posting Codes That Reverse |
Double Non Offset |
DNO2 |
Double Non-Offset Posting Codes That Do Not Reverse |
Double Non Offset |
Disbursement Cancellation |
Disbursement Reclassification |
Expense Budget Transfers In |
n/a |
Expense Budget Transfers Out |
n/a |
Expense Budget |
n/a |
FA |
Acquisition |
Fixed Assets |
Fixed Asset Internal Sale |
Fixed Assets |
Fixed Asset Inter Fund Transfer |
Fixed Assets |
Fixed Asset Unpend |
Fixed Assets |
FB |
Betterment |
Fixed Assets |
FC |
Cancellation |
Fixed Assets |
FD |
Disposition |
Fixed Assets |
FE |
Indiv Depr Exp |
Fixed Assets |
FI |
Mod Value |
Fixed Assets |
Internal Acquisition |
Fixed Assets |
Internal Betterment |
Fixed Assets |
Fixed Asset Increase Value from Shell |
Fixed Assets |
FM |
Mod Settings |
Fixed Assets |
FP |
Mod Sales Price |
Fixed Assets |
Repair and Warr |
Fixed Assets |
FS |
FA Internal Sale |
Fixed Assets |
FT |
Transfer |
Fixed Assets |
FX |
Type Change |
Fixed Assets |
Payroll Clearing Fund w/Cash |
Payroll Clearing Fund |
Payroll Clearing Fund w/Clearing Accounts |
Payroll Clearing Fund |
Payroll Generic |
Generic |
Payroll Disbursement |
Payroll Disbursements |
IA1 |
IA No Clearing Accounts |
Inventory |
IA2 |
IA With Clearing Accounts |
Inventory |
IA3 |
IA With No Clearing Accounts |
Inventory |
Inactivate a Budget Line |
n/a |
ID1 |
Internal Debt Accounting |
Internal Accounting |
INV1 |
Investments 1 |
Generic |
INV2 |
Investments 2 |
Investments |
IP1 |
Inter Reim Cash |
Internal Accounting |
IP2 |
Inter Reim Due |
Internal Accounting |
IP3 |
Intra Reimb |
Internal Accounting |
IP4 |
Inter Cash Prch |
Internal Accounting |
IP5 |
Inter Due Purch |
Internal Accounting |
IP6 |
Intra Purchase |
Internal Accounting |
IP7 |
Int Reim Prch Csh |
Internal Accounting |
IP8 |
Int Reim Prch Clr |
Internal Accounting |
IP9 |
Int QET Prch Csh |
Internal Accounting |
IP10 |
Int QET Prch Clr |
Internal Accounting |
IT1 |
Int Cash Trans |
Internal Accounting |
IT2 |
Int Due Trans |
Internal Accounting |
IT3 |
Int Internal External |
Internal Accounting |
IZ1 |
Cross Agency Trans |
Internal Accounting |
IZ2 |
BSA Transfer |
Internal Accounting |
IZ3 |
Cross Agency Trans Revenue |
Internal Accounting |
IZ4 |
BSA Revenue Transfer |
Internal Accounting |
IZ5 |
BSA Expense Transfer |
Internal Accounting |
Manual Disb |
Disbursements |
ME |
Mass Depr Exp |
Fixed Assets |
OT1 |
Oper Cash Trans |
Internal Accounting |
OT2 |
Oper Due Trans |
Internal Accounting |
OT3 |
Cash Loan |
Internal Accounting |
Overpayment |
Generic |
PR |
Procurement |
Generic |
Revenue Budget Transfers In |
n/a |
Revenue Budget Transfers Out |
n/a |
Vendor Refund |
Accounts Receivable |
Revenue |
Accounts Receivable |
Retainage |
Generic |
Revenue Budget |
n/a |
SA |
Stock Adjustment |
Inventory |
Sweep Fund Transfer |
Accounts Receivable |
SI |
Stock Issuance |
Inventory |
External Stock Issuance |
Inventory |
SN |
Stock Return |
Inventory |
ST |
Stock Transfer |
Inventory |
Travel |
Generic |
Warrant Clearing |
Warrant Clearing |