Expense Controls

The fields on the Expense tab govern many aspects of disbursements and post disbursement activity along with some vendor procurement functionality. 

The following table describes the options and controls in alphabetical order:



1099 Reporting Payer

When there is a single payer on the tax forms and magnetic media being submitted to the IRS, that payer is entered here. When there are multiple payers, as indicated by the Multiple 1099 Reporting Payers field, this payer field is left blank and the value from the Department Fiscal Year Controls page is used.

Allow Partial Payment of Award Line

This indication controls whether the Matching process should generate a payment request for a matched award line that has been fully invoiced. If true, then with an Ordered Quantity of 12; a Received Quantity of 2 (Partial); and an Invoiced Quantity of 2 (Partial) will result in a matching transaction generated for a Quantity of 2. If false, then there will be no matching transaction until the full 12 has been received and invoiced or a final reference is done on the Receiver and Invoice for a lesser quantity.

Auto Submit From UR

If this option is selected, then when the Universal Requester (UR) becomes Final, all subsequent transactions generated will be submitted.

Calculate Interest on Disbursements

When true, interest will be accrued and applied to payments that are determined to be late. The interest amount will be added as an accounting line item on the disbursement transaction. When true, the controls Daily Disbursement Interest Rate and Disbursement Interest Lag Days enables require values.

Calculate Interest Outside of Disbursement

When true, interest on late payments will be calculated during the Automated Interest Calculation Process rather than during Automated Disbursements (AD Chain). This option cannot be true when the Calculate Interest on Disbursement indicator is also set to True.

Calculate Penalties on Disbursements

When true, the system will apply penalties to disbursements that are determined to be late. When true, the controls for Penalty Lag Days and Penalty Lag Percentage are required.

Daily Disbursement Interest Rate

The daily periodic rate used to calculate accrued interest on late payments.

Disbursement Interest Lag Days

The number of days that may elapse prior to interest accrual for late payments.

Disbursement Option

The option that controls the disbursement accounting model and warrant accounting model. Valid values include: Check/EFT, Standard Warrant, Clearing Fund Warrant, Standard Warrant/EFT, or Clearing Fund Warrant/EFT. This parameter should not be changed even at the beginning of a new year.

Please not the Check Writer process does not use this setting but instead uses the Allowed Event Types for Transaction Code (AETDC) page for the Check Writer Accounting (CWA) transaction code. That record should have an event type that matches this Disbursement Option.

Do Not Allow Partial Payment of Invoice

When set to Yes, the Matching process will only generate a payment request for a matched invoice that has been fully received. If set to No, then with an Ordered Quantity of 12, a Received Quantity of 2 (Partial), and an Invoiced Quantity of 12 (Final), the Matching process will generate a payment request with a Quantity of 2. If Yes, then there will be no matching transaction until the full 12 has been invoiced or a final reference is done on an Invoice for a lesser quantity.

Escheat Days

The number of days that may pass before a disbursement is considered Escheated when the Escheat Disbursement option is true.

Escheat Disbursements

Indicates whether or not the system will escheat outstanding disbursements older than the number of days in the Escheat Days field with the Stale Escheat batch process. When only the escheat or stale method is desired, error message A2409 ensures only one of the two is enabled. When using the system feature to do both methods with the Stale Process, Escheat Pre-Selection, and Escheat Update batch processes, the Severity of error A2409 has to be set to Information on the Messages (MESG) page to allow System Options setup.

External Disbursements

When true, disbursements are made by an external system rather than within the Advantage Financial application for a specific fiscal year. Edits and updates concerning Check Number and Check Date are performed differently on disbursement transactions when disbursements are made externally.

Include $0 Line Amount on Summarized Stubs

When true, disbursement transactions with accounting lines that have a Line Amount of $0.00 (before any adjustments are applied) will be selected for summarization by the Disbursement Stub Summarization process.

Include $0 Stub Line Net Amount on Summarized Stubs

When true, disbursement transactions with accounting lines that have a Line Amount that is not $0.00 but the Stub Line Net Amount is $0.00 (due to adjustments) will be selected for summarization by the Disbursement Stub Summarization process.

Intercept Miscellaneous Vendor Payments

When true, payments to miscellaneous vendors can be intercepted. When true, the Automatic Disbursement and the Federal AD Vendor Extract processes will include miscellaneous vendors when evaluating payments for intercept.

Multiple 1099 Reporting Payees

When true, the system will allow multiple 1099 Reporting Payers and/or transmitters. Reporting Payers then have to be entered on the Department Fiscal Year Controls reference page.

Number of Prenote Days

The number of Pre note days a Financial Institution has to inform you that the information for a vendor is incorrect for Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT). The default value is zero.

Payment Intercept

When true, intercepts can be applied to disbursements.

PCard Consolidation Option

This selection controls the Automated Disbursement process consolidates the PCard payment request transactions when the Single Payment setting is false on the transaction. Valid values are: Payee; Payee and Administrator ID; and Payee, Administrator ID and P card ID.

Penalty Lag Days

The number of days allowed between the disbursement request date (later of the scheduled payment date, invoice date or service start date) and the actual disbursement date before the disbursement is considered late and eligible for incurring a penalty. This control is only used when the Calculate Penalties on Disbursement option is true.

Penalty Lag Percentage

This option is used when the Calculate Penalties on Disbursement indicator is set to True. This parameter specifies the percentage to be used in calculation of penalties for late disbursements. The default value is zero.

PR Update Inventory

When true, the application will update the extended cost of an inventory item when a payment request is submitted. Otherwise, extended costs are only updated by receiver transactions.

Pre-Processing Allowed

When true, pre-processing is allowed for a given fiscal year. Beyond requiring values in the Pre-Processing Earliest Service To Date and Pre-Processing Schedule Payment Date controls being required, this functionality enables the identification of payments entered before the beginning of a year that will be released by the Extended Payment Request Scheduling process.

Pre-Processing Earliest Service To Date

The earliest Service To date that can be entered in Pre-Processing Payment Request transaction.

Pre-Processing Scheduled Payment Date

The Scheduled Payment Date that the Extended Payment Request Schedule process uses when scheduling the Pre-Processing Payment Request transactions for payment.

Print $ 0 Amount Check

When true, a disbursement totaling $0.00 will be printed. AD Payment Formatting will use this indicator before printing the check.

Recalculate Tax from Discount

When true, the tax amount of a disbursement line will be recalculated based on the net amount of the line item less applied discounts. When false, the discount will be applied to the net payment amount and the tax amount will not be adjusted.

Require UR Accounting

When true, at least one accounting line must exist for each commodity line on the Universal Requestor (UR) transaction.

Stale Date Disbursements

Indicates whether or not the system will stale date outstanding disbursements older than the number of days in the Stale Days field with the Stale Escheat batch process. When only the escheat or stale method is desired, error message A2409 ensures only one of the two is enabled.  When using the system feature to do both methods with the Stale Process, Escheat Pre-Selection, and Escheat Update batch processes, the Severity of error A2409 has to be set to Information on the Messages (MESG) page to allow System Options setup.

Stale Days

The number of days that may pass before a disbursement is considered Stale Dated when the Stale Date Disbursements option is true.

System Payment Lag

The number of days a payment request will have before payment when no scheduled payment date is entered on the payment.

Vendor Default Disbursement Format

The defaulting disbursement format for new Vendor Customer (VCUST) records and to Vendor Customer Creation (VCC) transactions.

Vendor Default EFT Format

The defaulting EFT format for new Vendor Customer (VCUST) records and to Vendor Customer Creation (VCC) transactions.