Fixed Assets Accounting Model

The event types in this area are used in the recording, maintenance, and disposal of fixed assets. The initial recording of a fixed asset often begins with a request for payment and subsequent disbursement if that asset is acquired by a purchase. Details on the 'pending fixed asset' postings created on those transactions can be found in the A/P and Disbursement accounting model tabs. Information on the Non Budgetary method of Fixed Asset purchasing can also be found in those tabs. Gifts and other types of acquisitions start with the fixed asset transaction.

Fixed Asset transactions cannot be referenced by other transactions, so the Subsequent Event Types tab has been omitted for all event types in this tab. There is also only limited referencing that occurs, and only those event types where such referencing is done have a Prior Event Types tab.

FA, FACR, FAIT, FAUP, FB, FC, FD, FE, FI, FIA, FIB, FIS, FM, FP, FRM, FS, FT, and FX Event Categories include the following event types that will be used by transactions that belong to the Fixed Asset transaction type.  These Event Categories use the Fixed Asset Event Type Processor logic.

FA01: Acquire A Fixed Asset - This event type is used in the initial recording of a fixed asset record by the Fixed Asset (FA) or similar transaction code. All acquisition methods are contained in this one event type and that method determines which posting pairs are used as described in the Fixed Asset Event Type Processor.

Posting Pair A: Shell To Asset

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F013: Fixed Asset Offset (E)

Posting Pair B: Reversal

Dr         F010: Expense Offset for Fixed Asset (E)

Cr         F001: Pending Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair C: Memo 2

Dr         M001: Memo Asset (A)

Cr         M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

Posting Pair D: Contributed Fixed Asset

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F011: Contributed to Fixed Assets (E)

Posting Pair E: Fixed Asset Adjustment

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F012: Net Adjustment to Fixed Assets (E)

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is to one of the event types used to Pay Expenditure By Check / Standard Warrant / Clearing Fund Warrant - Automatically or Manually (DI01-3 or DI51-53). A reference would not be a liquidating type, but one that would wash only the Pending Fixed Asset account.

Also the reference could be to one of the event types used for a Non Budgetary Fixed Asset Purchase By Check / Standard Warrant / Clearing Fund Warrant - Automatically or Manually (FA21-26). Here the reference would only be informational as no pending asset is recorded with the Non Budgetary Fixed Asset Purchase.

FA02: Better A Fixed Asset - This event type is used to record a betterment to a fixed asset by the Fixed Asset (FA) or similar transaction code. A betterment is any addition or update to an asset that increases its value that is not considered a maintenance event to the asset. All acquisition methods are contained in this one event type and that method determines which posting pairs are used as described in the Fixed Asset Event Type Processor.

Posting Pair A: Shell To Asset

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F013: Fixed Asset Offset (E)

Posting Pair B: Reversal

Dr         F010: Expense Offset for Fixed Asset (E)

Cr         F001: Pending Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair C: Memo 2

Dr         M001: Memo Asset (A)

Cr         M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

Posting Pair D: Contributed Fixed Asset

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F011: Contributed to Fixed Assets (E)

Posting Pair E: Fixed Asset Adjustment

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F012: Net Adjustment to Fixed Assets (E)

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is to one of the event types used to Pay Expenditure By Check / Standard Warrant / Clearing Fund Warrant - Automatically or Manually (DI01-3 or DI51-53). A reference would not be a liquidating type, but one that would wash only the Pending Fixed Asset account.

Also the reference could be to one of the event types used for a Non Budgetary Fixed Asset Purchase By Check / Standard Warrant / Clearing Fund Warrant - Automatically or Manually (FA21-26). Here the reference would only be informational as no pending asset is recorded with the Non Budgetary Fixed Asset Purchase.

FA03: Record Depreciation On An Individual Fixed Asset - This event type is used to manually depreciate a fixed asset or a betterment by the Fixed Asset Depreciation Expense (FE) or similar transaction code.

Posting Pair A: Non Memo Depreciation

Dr         F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair B Memo Depreciation

Dr         M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

Cr         M003: Accumulated Depreciation - Memo Asset (A)

FA04: Dispose Of A Fixed Asset - This event type is used to record the sale to an external party or other disposition method of a fixed asset or tab. The Fixed Asset Disposition (FD) or similar transaction code is used for such an action.

Posting Pair A: Depreciation Catch Up

Dr         F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair B: Reverse Accumulated Depreciation

Dr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Cr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair C: Backout Sale Revenue

Dr         F030: Sale of Fixed Asset Revenue

Cr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair D: Gain or Loss Expenditure/Expense

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F021: Gain/Loss Expense from Sale of Fixed Asset

Posting Pair E: Gain or Loss Revenue

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F031: Gain/Loss Revenue from Sale of Fixed Asset

Posting Pair F: Dispose Memo Asset

Dr         M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

Cr         M001: Memo Asset (A)

FA05: Modify Fixed Asset Non-Accounting Attributes - This event type is used to change attributes of a fixed asset or tab that will not have any accounting impact. The Fixed Asset Modification (FM) or similar transaction code is used for such an action.

Posting Pair A: Modify

Dr         none

Cr         none

FA06: Transfer A Fixed Asset - This event type is used to record the transfer of a fixed asset between responsibility centers. The Fixed Asset Transfer (FT) or similar transaction code is used for such an action. The following accounting entries are only generated if the Depreciation Structure is Responsibility Center. Otherwise, there is no accounting impact of this transfer.

Posting Pair A: Non-Memo Asset

Dr         F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair B Memo Asset

Dr         M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

Cr         M003: Accumulated Depreciation - Memo Asset (CA)

FA07: Change Value Of Fixed Asset - This event type is used to increase or decrease the value of an asset through adjusting up or down existing accounting lines for a betterment or creating new accounting lines. The Fixed Asset Increase/Decrease (FI) or similar transaction code is used for such an action.

Posting Pair A: Contra Expense

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F013: Fixed Asset Offset (E)

Posting Pair B Contributed Asset

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F011: Contributed to Fixed Assets (E)

Posting Pair C: Memo Asset

Dr         M001: Memo Asset (A)

Cr         M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

Posting Pair D: Adjustment Asset

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F012: Net Adjustment to Fixed Assets (E)

FA08: Change Status Of Fixed Asset - This event type is used to change the Fixed Asset Type value of an asset. The most common situation for this change is when an asset that was Construction and Process (CIP) has been completed. The Fixed Asset Type Change (FX) or similar transaction code is used for such an action.

Posting Pair A: Status Change

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

FA09: Sale a Fixed Asset Internally - This event type is used to record the sale to an internal party of a fixed asset or tab. It is not the same as a transfer of Responsible Centers as the asset will now be recorded under different accounting lines. The Fixed Asset Disposition (FD) or similar transaction code is used for such an action.

Posting Pair A: Depreciation Catch Up

Dr         F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair B: Reverse Accumulated Depreciation

Dr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Cr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair C: Due From (Seller Information)

Dr         F005: Due From Fund - Fixed Asset Internal Sales (A)

Cr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair D: Gain or Loss Expenditure/Expense

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F022: Internal Expense from Fixed Asset Exchange

Posting Pair E: Gain or Loss Revenue

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F032: Internal Revenue from Fixed Asset Exchange

FA10: Increase Value from Shell - This event type is used to increase or decrease the value of an asset that is being tracked through the Program Asset Generation functionality. (Please refer to the Program Asset Generation Run Sheet in the CGI Advantage Financial System Administration Guide for more information). The Fixed Asset Increase/Decrease (FI) or similar transaction code is used for such an action.

Posting Pair A: Normal Increase

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F013: Fixed Asset Offset (E)

Posting Pair B Memo Increase 1

Dr         F010: Expense Offset for Fixed Asset (E)

Cr         F001: Pending Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair C: Memo Increase 2

Dr         M001: Memo Asset (A)

Cr         M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

FA11: Cancellation Of A Fixed Asset - This event type is used to remove all accounting impacts of an asset or asset tab recorded in error. The Fixed Asset Cancellation (FC) or similar transaction code is used for such an action.

Posting Pair A: Depreciation

Dr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Cr         F020: Depreciation Expense

Posting Pair B: Normal Asset

Dr         F013: Fixed Asset Offset (E)

Cr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair C: Memo Asset

Dr         M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

Cr         M001: Memo Asset (A)

Posting Pair D: Contributed Asset

Dr         F011: Contributed to Fixed Assets (E)

Cr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair E: Adjustment Asset

Dr         F012: Net Adjustment to Fixed Assets (E)

Cr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

FA12: Change In Selling Price Of A Fixed Asset - This event type is used when a prior disposition of an asset or asset tab used an incorrect amount for the selling price. The Fixed Asset Selling Price Change (FP) or similar transaction code is used for such an action.

Posting Pair A: Gain/Loss Revenue

Dr         F030: Sale of Fixed Asset Revenue

Cr         F031: Gain/Loss Revenue from Sale of Fixed Asset

Posting Pair B: Gain/Loss Expenditure/Expense

Dr         F030: Sale of Fixed Asset Revenue

Cr         F021: Gain/Loss Expense from Sale of Fixed Asset

FA13: Mass Depreciation Of Fixed Assets - This event type is used when depreciation is automatically calculated for an asset by the Depreciation chain job with the Fixed Asset Mass Depreciation (ME) or similar transaction code. This event type is very similar to FA03, but serves to provide different Event Type Requirements for automatic depreciation.

Posting Pair A: Non Memo Depreciation

Dr         F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair B Memo Depreciation

Dr         M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

Cr         M003: Accumulated Depreciation - Memo Asset (A)

FA14: Unpend A Fixed Asset Shell - This event type is used to remove all accounting impacts recorded by a request for payment and disbursement that led to the creation of a fixed asset shell transaction. When no asset should be recorded, this event type is used to remove fixed asset accounting remaining from the disbursement. The Fixed Asset (FA) or similar transaction code is used for such an action.

Posting Pair A: Reversal

Dr         F010: Expense Offset for Fixed Asset (E)

Cr         F001: Pending Fixed Asset (A)

FA15: Repair and Warranty Fixed Asset - This event type does not have any accounting impact and is only used by the FRM transaction to update the Fixed Asset Registry pages.

Posting Pair A: Repair and Warr

Dr         None

Cr         None

FA27: Acquire a Fixed Asset Internally - This event type is used as the second part of two transactions for disposing (FA09) and acquiring an asset internally between two parties on the same CGI Advantage Financial application. The Fixed Asset (FA) or similar transaction code is used for such an action.

Posting Pair D: Contributed Asset

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F011: Contributed to Fixed Assets (E)

Posting Pair E: Adjustment Asset

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F012: Net Adjustment to Fixed Assets (E)

Posting Pair F: Capital Outlay

Dr         F022: Internal Expense from Fixed Asset Exchange

Cr         F004:  Due to Fund (L)

Posting Pair G: FA Historical Cost

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F040:  Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

FA28: Better a Fixed Asset Internally - This event type is used as the second part of two transactions for disposing (FA09) and acquiring an asset tab internally between two parties on the same CGI Advantage Financial application. The Fixed Asset (FA) or similar transaction code is used for such an action.

Posting Pair D: Contributed Asset

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F011: Contributed to Fixed Assets (E)

Posting Pair E: Adjustment Asset

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F012: Net Adjustment to Fixed Assets (E)

Posting Pair F: Capital Outlay

Dr         F022: Internal Expense from Fixed Asset Exchange

Cr         F004:  Due to Fund (L)

Posting Pair G: FA Historical Cost

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F040:  Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

FA29: Fixed Asset Internal Sale - This event type is used for disposing and acquiring an asset tab internally between two parties on the same CGI Advantage Financial application. The Fixed Asset Internal Sale (FS) or similar transaction code is used for such an action. When restrictions prevent the use of the FS transaction code with this or a similar event type, the two-transaction sale model must be used where there is a FD transaction with FA09 and an FA transaction with FA27.

Posting Pair A: Seller Depreciation Catch Up

Dr         F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair B: Seller Reverse Accumulated Depreciation

Dr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Cr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair C: Seller Due From Fund

Dr         F005: Due From Fund - Fixed Asset Internal Sales (A)

Cr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair D: Seller Gain or Loss Expenditure/Expense

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F022: Internal Expense from Fixed Asset Exchange

Posting Pair E: Seller Gain or Loss Revenue

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F032: Internal Revenue from Fixed Asset Exchange

Posting Pair F: Buyer Contributed Fixed Asset

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F011: Contributed to Fixed Assets (E)

Posting Pair G: Buyer Adjustment FA

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F012: Net Adjustment to Fixed Assets (E)

Posting Pair H: Capital Outlay

Dr         F022: Internal FA Expense

Cr         F004: Due to Fund (L)

Posting Pair I: FA Historical Cost

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

FA31: Acquisition Normal Classification RCP Yes Correction - This event type is used when correcting accounting entries from the acquisition of a Normal Asset Classification.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F013: Fixed Asset Offset (E)

Posting Pair F: Exp Offset

Dr        F010: Expense Offset for Fixed Asset (E)

Cr        F001: Pending Fixed Asset (A)

FA33: Acquisition Adjustment Classification Correction - This event type is used when correcting accounting entries from the acquisition of an Adjustment Asset Classification.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F012: Net Adjustment to Fixed Assets (E)

FA34: Acquisition Memo Classification Correction - This event type is used when correcting accounting entries from the acquisition of a Memo Asset Classification.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        M001: Memo Asset (A)

Cr        M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

FA35: Acquisition Contributed Classification Correction - This event type is used when correcting accounting entries from the acquisition of a Contributed Asset Classification.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F011: Contributed to Fixed Assets (E)

FA36: Increase/ Decrease Normal Classification RCP Yes Correction - This event type is used when correcting increase/decrease accounting entries from a Normal Asset Classification.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F013: Fixed Asset Offset (E)

FA38: Depreciation Non Memo Correction - This event type is used when correcting depreciation for a non-memo asset.

Posting Pair B: Depreciation

Dr        F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

FA39: Depreciation Memo Correction - This event type is used when correcting depreciation for a memo asset.

Posting Pair B: Depreciation

Dr        M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

Cr        M003: Accumulated Depreciation - Memo Asset (A)

FA40: Disposition Non Memo Expense Correction - This event type is used when correcting the expense recorded in the disposal of a non-memo asset.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        F030: F030: Sale of Fixed Asset Revenue

Cr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair B: Depreciation

Dr        F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair C: Accumulated Dep

Dr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Cr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair D: Gain/Loss

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F021: Gain/Loss Expense from Sale of Fixed Asset

FA41: Disposition Non Memo Revenue Correction - This event type is used when correcting the revenue recorded in the disposal of a non-memo asset.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        F030: Sale of Fixed Asset Revenue

Cr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair B: Depreciation

Dr        F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair C: Accumulated Dep

Dr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Cr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair D: Gain/Loss

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F031: Gain/Loss Revenue from Sale of Fixed Asset

FA42: Disposition Memo - This event type is used when correcting the disposal of a memo asset.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        M001: Memo Asset (A)

Cr        M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

FA43: Internal Sale Expense Correction - This event type is used when correcting the expense recorded in the internal sale of a non-memo asset.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        F005: Due From Fund - Fixed Asset Internal Sales (A)

Cr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair B: Depreciation

Dr        F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair C: Accumulated Dep

Dr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Cr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair D: Gain/Loss

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F022: Internal Expense from Fixed Asset Exchange

FA44: Internal Sale Revenue Correction - This event type is used when correcting the revenue recorded in the internal sale of a non-memo asset.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        F005: Due From Fund - Fixed Asset Internal Sales (A)

Cr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair B: Depreciation

Dr        F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair C: Accumulated Dep

Dr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Cr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair D: Gain/Loss

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F032: Internal Revenue from Fixed Asset Exchange

FA45: Change in Selling Price Expense Correction - This event type is used when correcting the expense recorded in the selling price change of a non-memo asset.

Posting Pair D: Gain/Loss

Dr        F030: F030: Sale of Fixed Asset Revenue

Cr        F021: Gain/Loss Expense from Sale of Fixed Asset

FA46: Change in Selling Price Revenue Correction - This event type is used when correcting the revenue recorded in the selling price change of a non-memo asset.

Posting Pair D: Gain/Loss

Dr        F030: Sale of Fixed Asset Revenue

Cr        F031: Gain/Loss Revenue from Sale of Fixed Asset

FA47: Internal Purchase Contributed Correction - This event type is used when correcting the internal purchase of a contributed asset.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F011: Contributed to Fixed Assets (E)

Posting Pair C: Accumulated Dep

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair D: Gain/Loss

Dr        F022: Internal Expense from Fixed Asset Exchange

Cr        F004: Due To Fund - Fixed Asset Internal Sales (L)

FA48: Internal Purchase Adjustment Correction - This event type is used when correcting the internal purchase of an adjustment asset.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F012: Net Adjustment to Fixed Assets (E)

Posting Pair C: Accumulated Dep

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair D: Gain/Loss

Dr        F022: Internal Expense from Fixed Asset Exchange

Cr        F004: Due To Fund - Fixed Asset Internal Sales (L)

FA49: FA Type Change Correction - This event type is used when correcting an asset type change.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair e: Old Status

Cr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

FA50: FC Correction – Normal - This event type is used when correcting the cancellation of an asset with the Normal Fixed Asset Classification.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F010: Expense Offset for Fixed Asset (E)

Posting Pair B: Depreciation

Dr        F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

FA51: FC Correction – Memo - This event type is used when correcting the cancellation of an asset with the memo Fixed Asset Classification.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        M001: Memo Asset (A)

Cr        M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

Posting Pair B: Depreciation

Dr        M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

Cr        M003 Accumulated Depreciation – Memo Asset (CA)

FA52: FC Correction – Contributed - This event type is used when correcting the cancellation of an asset with the Contributed Fixed Asset Classification.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F011: Contributed to Fixed Assets (E)

Posting Pair B: Depreciation

Dr        F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

FA53: FC Correction – Adjustment - This event type is used when correcting the cancellation of an asset with the Adjustment Fixed Asset Classification.

Posting Pair A: Line Amount

Dr        F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr        F012: Net Adjustment to Fixed Assets (E)

Posting Pair B: Depreciation

Dr        F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr        F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

FA54: Inter Fund Transfer Fixed Asset - This event type is used record the transfer of a fixed asset from one Fund or Sub Fund to another Fund or Sub Fund. There can be a change in Responsibility Center COA and/or location information for an asset with this event type. The Fixed Asset Inter Fund Transfer (FAIT) transaction can only be used for assets that have the Responsibility Center Posting indication selected on the Accounting Line.

Posting Pair A: Incremental Depreciation

Dr         F020: Depreciation Expense

Cr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair B: Transferring Rv AcD

Dr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Cr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair C: Net Book Value Transferring Fund

Dr         F013: Fixed Asset Offset (E)

Cr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair D: Net Book Value Transferred Fund

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F013: Fixed Asset Offset (E)

Posting Pair E: Transferred Rv AcD

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair F: Memo Incrm Depr

Dr  M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

Cr  M003: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair G: Memo Bkout Depr

Dr  M003: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Cr  M002: Offset for Memo Asset (CA)

Posting Pair H: Memo NBV Out

Dr  M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

Cr  M001: Memo Asset (A)

Posting Pair I: Memo NBV In

Dr  M001: Memo Asset (A)

Cr  M002: Offset for Memo Fixed Asset (CA)

Posting Pair J: Memo Acm Depr

Dr  M002: Offset for Memo Asset (CA)

Cr  M003: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

LS14: Leased Asset Disposal - This event type is used with the Fixed Asset Disposition (FD) transaction to dispose of an asset that is going to be leased out to a lessee. If the asset is returned, it is then recorded anew at the value of the asset when returned. An alternative is to use the FA29 event type to ‘sale’ or FA06 to ‘transfer’ the asset to a holding account so that it is not reported while leased out. When returned the asset can then be resold or transferred back to the original account and then adjusted (if necessary) to account for any loss in value.

Posting Pair A: Depr Catch Up

Dr         F020: Depreciation Expense (NE)

Cr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Posting Pair B: Rvrs Accm Depr

Dr         F040: Accumulated Depreciation (CA)

Cr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair C: Back-out Sale

Dr         F010: Fixed Asset Offset (E)

Cr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Posting Pair D: G/L Expense

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         A365: Deferred Lease Revenue (L)

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not possible.

Subsequent Event Types:  Referencing accounting activity for this event type is not a likely occurrence.

LS23: Record Leased Capital Asset - This event type is used with the Debt Accounting (DA) transaction to record the leased asset.

Posting Pair A:

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         A371: Fixed Assets Acquired from Capital Leases (E)

Posting Pair D: Contributed FA

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         A371: Fixed Assets Acquired from Capital Leases (E)

Posting Pair E: FA Adjustment

Dr         F002: Fixed Asset (A)

Cr         A371: Fixed Assets Acquired from Capital Leases (E)

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not possible.

Subsequent Event Types:  Referencing accounting activity for this event type is not possible.  There may be subsequent fixed asset events that do not reference this event type such as disposing of the asset because ownership transfers back to the lessor.