ITD Balance Summary & Detail

Inception-to-Date Balance Sheet Detail (BBALD) page allows a view of balance sheet account balances at Fund, Sub-Fund, BSA and Sub-BSA chart of accounts levels. When Sub-Fund and Sub-BSA are not used in an application, those fields show a value of “BLNK”. Tracking balances is not the only use of the page as it can also balance editing if the Application Parameter of BSA Integrity Check is Detail and the BSA has the Level of Balance Control set to something other than No Action.

Inception-to-Date Balance Sheet Summary (BBALS) allows a view of balance sheet account balances at the Fund and BSA level. Tracking balances is not the only use of the page as it can also balance editing if the Application Parameter of BSA Integrity Check is Summary and the BSA has the Level of Balance Control set to something other than No Action.

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