Journal/Ledger Cross-Reference

The Journal/Ledger Cross-Reference (JLXREF) inquiry is an auditing page that records each ledger ID and ledger record ID that a journal record in a given journal posted. The Ledger Engine populates this page as it posts journal records. 

The fields on Journal/Ledger Cross-Reference are as follows:

Field Name

Field Description

Journal ID

Each journal record ledgerized is identified by two values. The first is the Journal ID field, which identifies the journal from which the journal record came. Journal ID values are defined on the Journal/Ledger Control reference page.

Journal Record Number

The second identification value for a ledgerized journal record is the system-assigned number to identify individual journal record within the journal. These numbers are assigned from a Unique Numbers (UNUM) record for each journal such as JRNL_ACTG for the Accounting Journal.

Ledger ID

Each ledger record ledgerized into is identified by two values. The first is the Ledger ID field, which identifies the ledger to which the journal record was ledgerized. Ledger ID values are defined on the Journal/Ledger Control reference page.

Ledger Record Number

The second identification value for a ledger record is the system-assigned number to identify individual ledger records within the ledger. These numbers are assigned from a Unique Numbers (UNUM) record for each ledger such as LDGR_APD_ACTG for the Accounting Ledger - APD.

Last Modified

This date represents the day a journal record was ledgerized into a ledger record.