
The Miscellaneous tab stores default accounts that apply by Fiscal Year to primarily to the annual close system process, but also contains several open-use accounts. Sub account fields are always optional, even if the primary account is required by other system configuration.

The following table displays default accounts in alphabetical order.



Agency Due To

Agency Due To Sub Account

Agency Due To Override

The equity account used in the Annual Close Process for those funds that have a Close Into setting of Agency Due.

Annual Closing Offset

The account used for debit and credit balancing when the Annual Close Process is creating a journal voucher for a fund where there are more accounts to close than allowed by the accounting line limit enforced by the process. There is no account type restriction for this balance sheet account, but it should match the requirement for the Annual Closing Offset posting code used.


The setting from System Options for display purposes to assist in the completion of default account values that contain edits for being required based on this option.

FASB Permanently Restricted Assets

FASB Permanently Restricted Assets Sub Account

FASB Permanently Restricted Assets Override

The equity account for classifying all FASB net assets that are considered permanently restricted, which means they will remain limited for certain uses. No posting code is delivered with this default account.

FASB Temporarily Restricted Assets

FASB Temporarily Restricted Assets Sub Account

FASB Temporarily Restricted Assets Override

The equity account for classifying all FASB Net Assets that are considered temporarily restricted, which means they can only be used for specific purposes until a certain time. No posting code is delivered with this default account.

FASB Unrestricted Assets

FASB Unrestricted Assets Sub Account

FASB Unrestricted Assets Override

The equity account for classifying all FASB Net Assets that are considered unrestricted which means they can be used for any need. No posting code is delivered with this default account.

Fund Balance

Fund Balance Sub Account

Fund Balance Override

The equity account used in the Annual Close Process for those funds that have a Close Into setting of Fund Balance.

Master Closing Object

The object used by the Annual Close Process on the journal voucher lines that offset the closure of a spending account into equity.

Master Closing Revenue Source

The revenue source used by the Annual Close Process on the journal voucher lines that offset the closure of a revenue account into equity.

Miscellaneous Asset 1

Miscellaneous Asset 1 Sub Account

Miscellaneous Asset 1 Override

An asset account with no pre-defined function for use with custom posting codes.

Miscellaneous Asset 2

Miscellaneous Asset 2 Sub Account

Miscellaneous Asset 2 Override

An asset account with no pre-defined function for use with custom posting codes.

Miscellaneous Equity 1

Miscellaneous Equity 1 Sub Account

Miscellaneous Equity 1 Override

An equity account with no pre-defined function for use with custom posting codes.

Miscellaneous Equity 2

Miscellaneous Equity 2 Sub Account

Miscellaneous Equity 2 Override

An equity account with no pre-defined function for use with custom posting codes.

Miscellaneous Liability 1

Miscellaneous Liability 1 Sub Account

Miscellaneous Liability 1 Override

A liability account with no pre-defined function for use with custom posting codes.

Miscellaneous Liability 2

Miscellaneous Liability 2 Sub Account

Miscellaneous Liability 2 Override

A liability account with no pre-defined function for use with custom posting codes.

Net Assets

Net Assets Sub Account

Net Assets Override

An equity account used in the Annual Close Process when the Posting Code Closing Classification of a posting code is Close Into Net Assets. As delivered, this is the setting for all equity accounts used to offset expenditures for pre-paid, inventory, and fixed assets.

Payroll Clearing Account

Payroll Clearing Sub Account

Payroll Clearing Account Override

The liability account used in the recording of gross pay before being allocated to more specific liabilities.

Retained Earnings

Retained Earnings Sub Account

Retained Earnings Override

The equity account used in the Annual Close Process for those funds that have a Close Into setting of Retained Earnings.