Miscellaneous Accounting

Several event types do not fall into any of the previous business areas. Those event types are listed here in the Miscellaneous Accounting tab. Most use the Generic Event Type Processor because they are in the ACT Event Category. If not, the event category is called out in the description.

GA01: Cash Expenditure Correction - This event type is used to adjust the results that occurred from another event type that updated Cash Expenditures. In many cases, that first transaction can be modified, and should be if possible. However, for those situations where it cannot or many such corrections need to be done with a single entry, this event type is used.

This event type is delivered to require a vendor code for 1099 reasons, but that requirement can be relaxed if needed. However, use of an event type for expenditure corrections made for disbursements should require a vendor code for 1099 purposes as the correction can be to a reportable object, to a different reportable object, or to a non-reportable object from a reportable one.

Posting Pair A: A

Dr        D014: External Cash Expenditure/Expense

Cr        A001: Cash (A)

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is optional and would only be in the form of a memo reference, most likely.

Subsequent Event Types: Referencing activity against this event type is optional and would only be in the form of a memo reference, most likely.

GA02: Lapse Encumbrances & Pre Encumbrances - This event type is used on the transactions generated from the Open Activity Lapse chain job to lapse open pre-encumbrances and encumbrances at year end. The event type contains two posting codes for reporting purposes, but these could be removed for simplicity because the liquidation posting lines generated during a lapse are what removes either the pre-encumbrances or encumbrances. To report on the amount of activity lapses would then be done by the transaction codes used for lapsing.

Posting Pair A: A

Dr        A150: Memo Account 1 for Lapse

Cr        A151: Memo Account 1 for Lapse

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is required and will be to PR02: Request From External Vendor - Accounting, PR03: Request From Internal Vendor - Accounting, PR05: Order From External Vendor - Accounting, or PR06: Order From Internal Vendor - Accounting.

Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type will not occur.

GA04: Establish Allowance for Bad Debt - This event type is used when the Allowance method for bad debt is to be used. Based on historical trends, an amount of bad debt is estimated for a new year. That amount is then established and then reduced as receivables are written off. The Journal Voucher is the most common transaction for establishing this allowance.

Posting Pair A: A

Dr        R007: Bad Debt Expense

Cr        R008: Allowance for Bad Debt (CA)

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type will not occur.

Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type will not occur.

GA05: Collected Earned Revenue Correction - This event type is used to adjust the results that occurred from another event type that updated Collected Earned. In many cases, that first transaction can be modified, and should be if possible. However, for those situations where it cannot or many such corrections need to be done with a single entry, this event type is used.

Posting Pair A: A

Dr        A001: Cash (A)

Cr        R003: Collected Earned Revenue

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is optional and would only be in the form of a memo reference, most likely.

Subsequent Event Types: Referencing accounting activity for this event type is optional and would only be in the form of a memo reference, most likely.

GA06: Move Cancelled D/P into Revenue - This event type is used to transfer the buildup in Cancelled Disbursements Payable from disbursements that are cancelled with a Disbursement Reclassification transaction to revenue.

Posting Pair A: A

Dr        D019: Cancelled Disbursements Payable (L)

Cr        R003: Collected Earned Revenue

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is optional and would only be in the form of a memo reference, most likely.

Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type will not occur.

GA10 Cash Transfer - This event type exists to enable cash transfer capability to the Journal Voucher transaction. The event type provides a control on the Journal Voucher because users would only be able to choose the single cash posting code to debit and credit.

Posting Pair A: A

Dr        A001: Cash (A)

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is optional and would only be in the form of a memo reference, most likely.

Subsequent Event Types: Referencing activity against this event type is optional and would only be in the form of a memo reference, most likely.

GA13: Recognize Expense From Pre Payment - This event type is used to periodically reduce the pre-paid asset account established with AP02: Authorize Pre Payment.

Posting Pair A: A

Dr        A023: Expense

Cr        A024: Pre Paid Assets (A)

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is optional and may be to the request for payment or disbursement that established the pre-paid asset.

Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type will not occur.

GA22: Bank Account Transfer – This event type is used by the Bank Account Transfer process on generated journal vouchers transferring cash between the bank used for a fund and the master bank for that fund.

Posting Pair A: A

Dr        A028: Bank Transfer Cash (A)

Cr        A028: Bank Transfer Cash (A)

Prior Event Types: There are no references by this event type.

Subsequent Event Types: There is no subsequent reference of this event type activity.

GA23: Record Escrow Expenditure – This event type is used to record and escrow expenditure of funds held by third party escrow agent.

Posting Pair A: A

Dr         D014: Cash Expenditure / Expense

Cr         A016: Generic Asset (A)

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is optional and would be to an encumbrance recorded with the PR05 event type. While not referenced, there should have been a recording of the Cash in Escrow on a Journal Voucher or a GAX transaction with the AP18 event type.

Subsequent Event Types: There is no subsequent reference of this event type activity.

AC01: Automated Expense Accrual - This event type is used when the Automated Accrual process creates Automated Accrual (ACCA) transactions to move accrued expenditures between current and prior years (budget and accounting fiscal years). One accounting line will have a positive amount and the other will have a negative amount with this event type. A special posting code, A029, is delivered for use with this event type to prevent cost accounting split logic.

The event category is ACCA, but has no special logic. The batch program sets the posting pair on each pair of accrual accounting lines, which is all that is required.

Posting Pair A: PY Accrual

Dr  A029: Accrued Expenditure / Expense

Cr  A006: Accrued Expense Liability (L)

Posting Pair B: CY Accrual

Dr  A029: Accrued Expenditure / Expense

Cr  A006: Accrued Expense Liability (L)

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is only in the form of a memo reference.

Subsequent Event Types: The event type that will reference and liquidate AC01 is AC02 – Automated Accrual Clearing.

AC02: Automated Expense Clearing - This event type is used when the Automated Accrual Clearing process creates Automated Accrual Clearing (ACLA) transactions to move cash expenditures between current and prior years (budget and accounting fiscal years). A special posting code, A030, is delivered for use with this event type to prevent cost accounting split logic and cost allocation. The A007 posting code is an optional one because all associated clearing entries are in the same Fund, Sub Fund, FY, and APD. Only the BFY changes, which may not make the posting code optional for your site.

Logic in the ACLA event category controls the generation of posting pair C when there is a memo reference to an accounting line that was previously accrued. The batch program sets the posting pair (A or B) on each pair of accrual clearing accounting lines.

Posting Pair A: PY Clearing

Dr  A030: Cash Expenditure / Expense

Cr  A007: Clearing Expense Offset (E)

Posting Pair B: CY Clearing

Dr  A007: Clearing Expense Offset (E)

Cr  A030: Cash Expenditure / Expense

Posting Pair C: Accrual Wash

Dr  A006: Accrued Expense Liability (L)

Cr  A029: Accrued Expenditure / Expense

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is only in the form of a memo reference. AC01 is not directly referenced and liquidated but is washed by the generation of posting pair C.

Subsequent Event Types: If the clearing is later disallowed, a memo reference will be done by AC03 – External Disallowance. Accounting from that event type will wash posting pair A and B from AC02.

AC03: External Disallowance - This event type is used when an Automated Accrual Clearing was disallowed because of incorrect service dates. The A007 posting code is an optional one because all associated clearing entries are in the same Fund, Sub Fund, FY, and APD. Only the BFY changes, which may not make the posting code optional for your site.

The event category is ACD, but has no special logic. The batch program sets the posting pair on each pair of accrual accounting lines, which is all that is required.

Posting Pair A: PY Adjustment

Dr  A030: Cash Expenditure / Expense

Cr  A007: Clearing Expense Offset (E)

Posting Pair B: CY Adjustment

Dr  A007: Clearing Expense Offset (E)

Cr  A030: Cash Expenditure / Expense

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is only in the form of a memo reference. AC02 is not directly referenced and liquidated but is washed by the generation of posting pair A or B.

Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type will not occur.

AC04: Establish Accrual - This event type is used in two primary situations. The first is on an accounting line inserted manually or by the Open Activity Roll process into a transaction to record an accrued expenditure for goods or services known to have been received in the prior year but not yet paid for. The other situation is the creation of a Manual Accrual (ACC) transaction to record an accrued expenditure.

Posting Pair A:

Dr  D011: External Accrued Expenditure / Expense

Cr  A006: Accrued Expense Liability (L)

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is optional and would only be in the form of a memo reference.

Subsequent Event Types: The event type that will reference and liquidate AC04 could be one of several depending on what transaction used AC04:

  • Manual Accrual Clearing (AC05) used on a Manual Accrual Clearing (ACL) if AC04 was used on the Manual Accrual (ACC)

  • Authorize Normal Payment (AP01) used on a Payment Request (PRC/PRM) or General Accounting Expense (GAX) if AC04 was used on a Purchase Order (PO/CT/SC/DO) or General Accounting Encumbrance (GAE) respectively.

  • Manual Accrual Clearing (AC05) used on a Manual Accrual Clearing (ACL) if AC04 was used on the Manual Accrual (ACL)

  • Travel Advance (TR02) used on a Travel Advance (TA) if AC04 was used on the Travel Encumbrance (TE)

  • Travel Advance (TR02) used on a Travel Payment (TP) if AC04 was used on the Travel Encumbrance (TE)

AC05: Manual Accrual Clearing - his event type is used on the Manual Accrual Clearing (ACL) to clear Establish Accrual (AC04) recorded on a Manual Accrual (ACC).

Posting Pair A:

Dr  D014: External Accrued Expenditure / Expense

Cr  A007: Clearing Expense Offset (E)

Posting Pair B:

Dr  A007: Clearing Expense Offset (E)

Cr  D014: External Cash Expenditure / Expense

Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is mandatory, when references are made, they would be to lines with event type: AC04 - Establish Accrual.

Subsequent Event Types: Direct referencing of this event type will not occur but may be memo referenced by the Accrual Disallowance (ACD) transaction using the Disallowance (AC03) event type.