Parameters for Trial Balance

The Parameters for Trial Balance (TBPA) page provides most of the input parameters for the Trial Balance Report. Parameter values entered on this page determine the report mode and record summarization levels and summary grouping names for a given run.

The Parameters for Trial Balance page is divided into the following sections:

  • General Information – This section contains the Parameter ID, Fiscal Year, Accounting Period, As of Date, and Report Mode. The Parameter ID uniquely identifies a set of parameters used for a given run, and is referenced on the batch parameter page while running the report. The time elements, if left blank, are derived from the Application Date. Record selection for the Beginning Balance amount will be from the Input Ledger (see Report Source section) using the Fiscal Year and Accounting Period. Those ledger records prior to that Accounting Period will be selected for this amount column. The As of Date can be used for selection for this amount column, but it is not likely that there will be a Record Date on the Input Journal. Record selection for the current period balance amounts, Total Debits and Total Credits, will be from the Input Journal using the As of Date, Fiscal Year, and Accounting Period. Only those records that are on or before the As of Date with that Fiscal Year and Accounting Period are selected.

The Trial Balance report can be run in one of four modes:

  • Summary – Debit and Credit amounts summarized at the Closing Classifications group level.

  • Summary with Transactions - Same as Summary but with a listing of transactions that make up the given period's debit and credit balances under the Closing Classification group.

  • Summary with Posting Codes - Same as Summary but with posting codes between the closing classification grouping.

  • Full Detail - Same as Summary with Posting Codes but with transactions listed that make up the current period's debit and credit balances.

  • Summarization Level – This section allows you to select COA-Dimension (that is, element, sub element or rollup) values to be displayed in the report. You can select appropriate Dimensions for Fund, BSA, Organization, Object, Revenue Source, and Appropriation. Of the fields in this section, the Fund Dimension is required in that it must have a value other than Do Not Keep. Each summarization value contains the following choices: Do Not Keep, Keep All (that is not allowed for any fields), the COA Element (Fund for example), the Sub COA element (Sub Fund for example), and rollups (Fund Type for example). Dimension values are used to group and summarize records selected for the report. If a Dimension value is left blank or set to Do Not Keep, then the report grouping will not use the Dimension. The Fund Dimension Value parameter in this section allows the report to be run for one or more specific Funds. The Organization Dimension Value parameter in this section allows the report to be run for one or more specific organizations.

Please keep in mind that selections in this section must match the summarization level in the Input Ledger. To request a report on Fund Type, but not have Fund Type in the ledger will not produce the desired results.

  • Closing Classification – This section allows you to group similar Posting Code Closing Classifications together for display. The table also enables you to define a name for the group that will appear on the report. For example, Asset Roll Forward, Contra Asset Roll Forward, and Cash Roll Forward are different Posting Code Closing Classification Codes that can be combined into one “Asset” group on the report. As another example, Accrued Expenses and Cash Expenses can be combined into one “Expenditures” category. Default closing codes will be used if nothing is entered in this section.

  • Report Source - This section enables you to define the input journal and ledger used for selecting records.