Payroll Accounting Model
The event types in this area are used to record all payroll costs on the Payroll (PYRL) transaction type and the disbursement transaction types in a few situations. Several event categories and event type processors are used in this functional area.
Referencing of PYRL transactions with other transactions is only done in a few situations, so the Subsequent Event Types tab is only visible for those event types. The ability for PYRL transactions to reference other transaction is also limited and the Prior Event Types tab is only visible for those event types.
PREXP Payroll Expenditure Transaction Sub Type:
HR01: Accrue Payroll Expenditures This event type is used to record accrued expenditures for Gross Pay. [DNO2 or HRC Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr D011: Accrued Expenditure/Expense
Cr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Later referencing of this event type may occur as a memo reference by the Expenditure Reversal (HR62) and then one or more lines with one of the Expenditure Reinstatement (HR60, HR64, HR65, or HR66) event types. For the part of the gross pay expenditure that was reserved contract pay, referencing of this event type may occur as a memo reference by the Reserve Contract Pay Correction Reversal (HR63) and then one or more lines with the Reserve Contract Pay Correction Reinstatement (HR61) event type,
HR07: Record Payroll Cash Expenditures This event type is used to record cash expenditures in two situations into the operating fund of the employee. The first is for external vendors but the Payroll Clearing fund is used to records the Fringe liability. The second is when the Fringe is to be internally funded. Cash Expenditures are recorded here even though there is not an update to cash with this event type. This is because a PRLIA or PRLID transaction will record that reduction in cash on the same day in the operating fund and then move it to either the Payroll Clearing Fund or an internal fund. [HRC Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr D014: Cash Expenditure/Expense
Cr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Later referencing of this event type may occur as a memo reference by the Expenditure Reversal (HR62) and then one or more lines with one of the Expenditure Reinstatement (HR60, HR64, HR65, or HR66) event types.
HR16: Payroll Travel Advance This event type is used to record a travel advance in two situations. The first is when paying the advance to the employee before travelling as a result of a Travel Advance (TRADV) being processed with the Payment System of HRM. The second is when the employee has returned from traveling and has applied the advance to a travel expense with a Travel Expense Report (TRER). [HRC Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr T001: Travel Advance (A)
Cr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Later referencing of this event type will not occur.
PRACR Payroll Accrual Transaction Sub Type:
HR08: Accrue Labor: This event type is used to accrue the remaining labor costs of a period.
Posting Pair A: A
Dr D011: Accrued Expenditure/Expense
Cr H007: Accrued Labor (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Later referencing of this event type will not occur as it will be reversed with a modification.
HR09: Accrue Fringe This event type is used to accrue the remaining fringe costs of a period.
Posting Pair A: A
Dr D011: Accrued Expenditure/Expense
Cr H008: Accrued Fringe (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Later referencing of this event type will not occur as it will be reversed with a modification.
PRLCE Payroll Contract Encumbrance Transaction Sub Type:
HR50: Budget Set Aside For Payroll This event type is used to encumber funds for the remaining payroll costs of a year. It is very similar to the PR05: Order from External Vendor and PR06: Order From Internal Vendor event types in the Procurement tab. However, a separate event type exists to provide different event type controls for encumbering payroll costs. [HRC Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr P005: Encumbrance
Cr P006: Reserve for Encumbrance
Subsequent Event Types: Later referencing of this event type will not occur as it will be reversed with a modification.
PRLLL Payroll Leave Liability Transaction Sub Type:
HR06: Accrue Leave Liability This event type is used to record the Accrued Leave balance for the remainder of the year in the employee's fund. [HRC Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr D011: Accrued Expenditure/Expense
Cr H006: Accrued Leave (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Later referencing of this event type will not occur as it will be reversed with a modification.
PRLIA Payroll Liability Transaction Sub Type:
HR02: Record Net Pay This event type is used to record the Net Pay liability from the Accrued Payroll liability account in the employee's fund. [DNO2 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr H002: Net Pay (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Although not directly referenced, an event type used on a Payroll Net Pay (PRLNP) transaction will clear the Net Pay account through one of Cash, Warrant Payable, or Check Writer Clearing.
HR03: Record Deduction This event type is used to record an external Deduction liability from the Accrued Payroll liability account in the employee's fund. The liability will not be paid to the external party until a manual request for payment is processed. [DNO2 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr H003: Deduction (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Although not directly referenced, a Payroll Vouchers Payable (PRLVP) transaction or General Accounting Expense/Expenditure (GAX) may clear the deduction account with payment or a Journal Voucher will clear the account while recording a wire transfer.
HR04: Record Fringe Liability This event type is used to record an external Fringe liability from the Accrued Payroll liability account in the employee's fund. The liability will not be paid to the external party until a manual request for payment is processed. [DNO2 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: X
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr H005: Fringe (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Although not directly referenced, a Payroll Vouchers Payable (PRLVP) transaction or General Accounting Expense/Expenditure (GAX) may clear the deduction account with payment or a Journal Voucher will clear the account while recording a wire transfer.
HR05: Record Contract Pay This event type is used to record the Reserve Contract Pay liability from the Accrued Payroll liability account in the employee's fund. [DNO2 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr H004: Contract Pay (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Later referencing of this event type will not occur as it will be reversed with a modification.
HR10: Record Net Pay To Clearing Fund With Cash This event type is used to reduce Cash and Accrued Payroll liability account in the employee's fund and transfer Cash and establish Net Pay in the Payroll Clearing Fund on the payroll run date. This event type should only be used if the employee's fund and the Payroll Clearing Fund use the same bank account. If not, there will have to be a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [HRA Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Operating Fund (Employee's Fund)
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Posting Pair B: Clearing Fund (Payroll Clearing Fund)
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr H002: Net Pay (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Although not directly referenced, an event type used on a Payroll Net Pay (PRLNP) transaction will clear the Net Pay account through one of Cash, Warrant Payable, or Check Writer Clearing.
HR11: Record Net Pay To Clearing Fund With Clearing Accounts This event type is used to reduce Cash and Accrued Payroll liability account in the employee's fund and establish a Due To Fund account to the Payroll Clearing Fund. The event type will also establish Net Pay in the Payroll Clearing Fund along with a Due From Fund account to the employee's fund on the payroll run date. This event type should be used when the employee's fund and the Payroll Clearing Fund use different same bank accounts. When the clearing accounts are cleared later, cash will be transferred in CGI Advantage Financial as well as in the actual bank accounts. [HRB Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Operating Fund (Employee's Fund)
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A002: Due To Fund (L)
Posting Pair B: Clearing Fund (Payroll Clearing Fund)
Dr A003: Due From Fund (A)
Cr H002: Net Pay (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Although not directly referenced, an event type used on a Payroll Net Pay (PRLNP) transaction will clear the Net Pay account through one of Cash, Warrant Payable, or Check Writer Clearing.
HR12: Record Deduction To Clearing Fund With Cash This event type is used to reduce Cash and Accrued Payroll liability account in the employee's fund and transfer Cash and establish the Deduction account in the Payroll Clearing Fund on the payroll run date. This event type should only be used if the employee's fund and the Payroll Clearing Fund use the same bank account. If not, there will have to be a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [HRA Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Operating Fund (Employee's Fund)
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Posting Pair B: Clearing Fund (Payroll Clearing Fund)
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr H003: Deduction (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Although not directly referenced, a Payroll Vouchers Payable (PRLVP) transaction or General Accounting Expense/Expenditure (GAX) may clear the deduction account with payment or a Journal Voucher will clear the account while recording a wire transfer.
HR13: Record Deduction To Clearing Fund With Clearing Accounts This event type is used to reduce Cash and Accrued Payroll liability account in the employee's fund and establish a Due To Fund account to the Payroll Clearing Fund. The event type will also establish the Deduction account in the Payroll Clearing Fund along with a Due From Fund account to the employee's fund on the payroll run date. This event type should be used when the employee's fund and the Payroll Clearing Fund use different same bank accounts. When the clearing accounts are cleared later, cash will be transferred in CGI Advantage Financial as well as in the actual bank accounts. [HRB Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Operating Fund (Employee's Fund)
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A002: Due To Fund (L)
Posting Pair B: Clearing Fund (Payroll Clearing Fund)
Dr A003: Due From Fund (A)
Cr H003: Deduction (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Although not directly referenced, a Payroll Vouchers Payable (PRLVP) transaction or General Accounting Expense/Expenditure (GAX) may clear the deduction account with payment or a Journal Voucher will clear the account while recording a wire transfer.
HR14: Record Fringe To Clearing Fund With Cash This event type is used to reduce Cash and Accrued Payroll liability account in the employee's fund and transfer Cash and establish the Fringe account in the Payroll Clearing Fund on the payroll run date. This event type should only be used if the employee's fund and the Payroll Clearing Fund use the same bank account. If not, there will have to be a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [HRA Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Operating Fund (Employee's Fund)
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Posting Pair B: Clearing Fund (Payroll Clearing Fund)
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr H005: Fringe (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Although not directly referenced, a Payroll Vouchers Payable (PRLVP) transaction or General Accounting Expense/Expenditure (GAX) may clear the deduction account with payment or a Journal Voucher will clear the account while recording a wire transfer.
HR15: Record Fringe To Clearing Fund With Clearing Accounts This event type is used to reduce Cash and Accrued Payroll liability account in the employee's fund and establish a Due To Fund account to the Payroll Clearing Fund. The event type will also establish the Fringe account in the Payroll Clearing Fund along with a Due From Fund account to the employee's fund on the payroll run date. This event type should be used when the employee's fund and the Payroll Clearing Fund use different same bank accounts. When the clearing accounts are cleared later, cash will be transferred in CGI Advantage Financial as well as in the actual bank accounts. [HRB Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Operating Fund (Employee's Fund)
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A002: Due To Fund (L)
Posting Pair B: Clearing Fund (Payroll Clearing Fund)
Dr A003: Due From Fund (A)
Cr H005: Fringe (L)
Subsequent Event Types: Although not directly referenced, a Payroll Vouchers Payable (PRLVP) transaction or General Accounting Expense/Expenditure (GAX) may clear the deduction account with payment or a Journal Voucher will clear the account while recording a wire transfer.
PRLVP Payroll Vendor Payment Request Transaction Sub Type:
HR20: Record & Request Expenditure Payment for Fringe Out Of The Operating Fund This event type is used to request payment to an external vendor for a Fringe cost on the payroll run date. The date of the disbursement depends on the same controls available for all disbursements. [DNO1 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr D011: Accrued Expenditure/Expense
Cr H005: Fringe (L)
Subsequent Event Types: The event type that will follow HR201 will be one of the three event types established for disbursement on Automatic or Manual Disbursement transaction codes: HR33, 34, or 35 (depending on Disbursement Option on System Options) for Pay Fringe Expenditure By (Check, Standard Warrant, or Clearing Fund Warrant).
HR21: Request Liability Payment for Fringe This event type is used to request payment to an external vendor for a Fringe cost that was recorded as a liability in the Payroll Clearing Fund with a PRLIA. It could also be used to manually request payment because an automatic request for payment was not setup to occur. The automatic request is recorded as of the payroll run date. The GAX or similar transaction code would be used for a manual request. When paid from a manual request, there would have to be a transfer of accrued expenditures to cash expenditures for the fringe cost. The date of the disbursement for either the automatic or manual request depends on the same controls available for all disbursements. [DNO1 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr H005: Fringe (L)
Cr D001: Disbursements Payable (L)
Subsequent Event Types: The event type that will follow HR21 will be one of the three event types established for disbursement on Automatic or Manual Disbursement transaction codes: HR39, 40, or 41 (depending on Disbursement Option on System Options) for Pay Fringe Liability By (Check, Standard Warrant, or Clearing Fund Warrant).
HR22: Request Liability Payment for Deduction This event type is used to request payment to an external vendor for a Deduction cost that was recorded as a liability in the employee's fund or the Payroll Clearing Fund with a PRLIA. It could also be used to manually request payment because an automatic request for payment was not setup to occur. The automatic request is recorded as of the payroll run date. The GAX or similar transaction code would be used for the manual request. The date of the disbursement for either the automatic or manual request depends on the same controls available for all disbursements. [DNO1 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr H003: Deduction (L)
Cr D001: Disbursements Payable (L)
Subsequent Event Types: The event type that will follow HR22 will be one of the three event types established for disbursement on Automatic or Manual Disbursement transaction codes: HR30, 31, or 32 (depending on Disbursement Option on System Options) for Pay Deduction By (Check, Standard Warrant, or Clearing Fund Warrant).
HR23: Record & Request Liability Payment for Reserved Fringe This event type is used to request payment to an external vendor for a Fringe cost that was accrued for an employee established as Contract Pay in HR. The fringe cost was accrued along with costs for net pay and deductions across several working periods to be used later in non-working periods. The automatic request is recorded as of the pay period end date. The date of the disbursement depends on the same controls available for all disbursements. [DNO1 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr H005: Fringe (L)
Subsequent Event Types: The event type that will follow HR23 will be one of the three event types established for disbursement on Automatic or Manual Disbursement transaction codes: HR36, 37, or 38 (depending on Disbursement Option on System Options) for Pay Fringe Expenditure By (Check, Standard Warrant, or Clearing Fund Warrant) With Adjustment.
AD or MD Automatic or Manual Disbursement Transaction Types
HR30 to 32: Pay Deductions by Check / Standard Warrant / Clearing Fund Warrant This trio of event types is used when a deduction is paid to an external party either by an automatic or manual disbursement. [HRD Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Operating
Dr H003: Deduction (L)
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Posting Pair K: Contract Withholding
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr D028: Contract Withholding Payable (L)
Prior Event Types: The only event type referenced would be HR22: Request Liability Payment for Deduction found in the HR tab of accounting models.
Subsequent Event Types: Event types that follow are those used on the Disbursement Reclassification transaction type to record a disbursement as stale (DR01 & 2), escheated (DR03 & 4), or cancelled (DR05 & 6). In the case of a standard or clearing fund warrant, the transaction type will also reclassify as redeemed (DR20 & 21).
HR33 to 35: Pay Fringe Expenditure by Check / Standard Warrant / Clearing Fund Warrant This trio of event types is used when a fringe is paid to an external party either by an automatic or manual disbursement. [HRD Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Operating
Dr D014: External Cash Expenditure/Expense
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Posting Pair I: Clearing Fund
Dr D017: Warrant Clearing Cash (A)
Cr D018: Warrant Clearing Payable (L)
Posting Pair K: Contract Withholding
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr D028: Contract Withholding Payable (L)
Prior Event Types: The only event type referenced would be HR20: Record & Request Expenditure Payment for Fringe - Operating Fund found in the HR tab of accounting models.
Subsequent Event Types: Event types that follow are those used on the Disbursement Reclassification transaction type to record a disbursement as stale (DR01 & 2), escheated (DR03 & 4), or cancelled (DR05 & 6). In the case of a standard or clearing fund warrant, the transaction type will also reclassify as redeemed (DR20 & 21). [HRD Event Category]
HR36 to 38: Pay Fringe Expenditure by Check With Adjustment 1 / Standard Warrant / Clearing Fund Warrant This trio of event types is used when a fringe is paid to an external party either by an automatic or manual disbursement. Only when fringe being paid out was accrued earlier as part of the contract reserve pay functionality, will this event type be used. [HRD Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Operating
Dr D014: External Cash Expenditure/Expense
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Posting Pair A: Adjustment
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr D011: External Accrued Expenditure/Expense
Posting Pair I: Clearing Fund
Dr D017: Warrant Clearing Cash (A)
Cr D018: Warrant Clearing Payable (L)
Posting Pair K: Contract Withholding
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr D028: Contract Withholding Payable (L)
Prior Event Types: The only event type referenced would be HR23: Record & Request Liability Payment for Reserved Fringe found in the HR tab of accounting models.
Subsequent Event Types: Event types that follow are those used on the Disbursement Reclassification transaction type to record a disbursement as stale (DR01 & 2), escheated (DR03 & 4), or cancelled (DR05 & 6). In the case of a standard or clearing fund warrant, the transaction type will also reclassify as redeemed (DR20 & 21).
HR39 to 41: Pay Fringe Liability by Check / Standard Warrant / Clearing Fund Warrant This trio of event types is used when a fringe is paid to an external party either by an automatic or manual disbursement. The event types are used only when fringe is being paid out of a payroll clearing fund. [HRD Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Operating
Dr H005: Fringe (L)
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Posting Pair I: Clearing Fund
Dr D017: Warrant Clearing Cash (A)
Cr D018: Warrant Clearing Payable (L)
Posting Pair K: Contract Withholding
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr D028: Contract Withholding Payable (L)
Prior Event Types: The only event type referenced would be HR21: Request Liability Payment for Fringe found in the HR tab of accounting models.
Subsequent Event Types: Event types that follow are those used on the Disbursement Reclassification transaction type to record a disbursement as stale (DR01 & 2), escheated (DR03 & 4), or cancelled (DR05 & 6). In the case of a standard or clearing fund warrant, the transaction type will also reclassify as redeemed (DR20 & 21).
PRLNP Payroll Net Pay Transaction Sub Type:
When it comes to the clearing of Net Pay on the paycheck date, each site needs to choose the appropriate event type of HR70, HR72, HR73, or HR74 that matches the disbursement method used. The choice is then placed in the Payroll Event Type Defaults (PYRLETD) page. Two default records are needed if a Payroll Clearing Fund is used on only a subset of deductions.
Of all the event types used on the PRLNP, only those that hit Warrants Payable or Check Writer Clearing will ever have subsequent activity. That activity will not directly reference the PRLNP, but will clear either of those two liability accounts. Warrants Payable used with payroll will be cleared by a custom process and in bulk as individual Warrant Reconciliation transactions are not a reasonable route for employee paychecks. The Disbursements Accounting Model tab details how Check Writer Clearing is cleared.
HR70: Convert Net Pay to Cash This event type is used to reduce the Net Pay account and the Cash account in an operating fund or payroll clearing fund on the payroll check date. For payroll disbursements other than with the Standard Warrant disbursement model, this is the date that Cash should be credited. Those clients using the Standard Warrant model for payroll payments may want to change the A001 posting code to D007 Warrants Payable so that this posting will be consistent with that disbursement model. [HRC Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr H002: Net Pay (L)
Cr A001: Cash (A)
HR71: Convert Accrued Expenditure to Cash Expenditure Used for operating funds, not the payroll clearing fund or any internal funds, to move the accrued expenditures booked with the PREXP transaction with the HR01 event type to a Cash Expenditure. HR71 is used in conjunction with HR70 clearing the net pay liability through cash. HR71 is an optional event type within Advantage Financial depending on settings in Advantage HRM that may suppress this entry because the PREXP was recorded with HR07 instead.
Posting Pair A:
Dr D014: External Cash Expenditure/Expense
Cr D011: External Accrued Expenditure/Expense
HR72: Convert Net Pay to Warrants Payable This event type is used to reduce the Net Pay account and increase Warrants Payable in an operating fund or payroll clearing fund on the payroll check date. A separate process will then relieve the payable at a future date and decrease Cash.
Posting Pair A: A
Dr H002: Net Pay (L)
Cr D007: Warrants Payable (L)
HR73: Convert Net Pay to Cash w/Warrant Clearing Fund This event type is used to reduce the Net Pay account and the Cash account recorded in an operating fund or payroll clearing fund on the payroll check date. Because of the event type is associated with the HRD Event Category, a second posting pair will be created to record Warrants Payable Cash and Warrants Payable in a warrant clearing fund. A separate process will then relieve the payable at a future date and decrease Cash.
Posting Pair A: Operating
Dr H002: Net Pay (L)
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Posting Pair I: Warrant Clearing
Dr D017: Warrant Clearing Cash (A)
Cr D018: Warrant Clearing Payable (L)
HR74: Convert Net Pay to Check Writer Clearing Account This event type is used to reduce the Net Pay account and the Check Writer Clearing account recorded in an operating fund or payroll clearing fund on the payroll check date. The Check Writer process will then relieve the payable.
Posting Pair A: Operating
Dr H002: Net Pay (L)
Cr D003: Check Writer Clearing Account (L)
PRLID Payroll Internal Transaction Sub Type:
HR80: Deduction Liability Transfer With Cash This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded deductions from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is dependent upon an Internal/External Type of Liabilities Only. The event type should be used when the bank account for both parties is the same; otherwise, there would have to be a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [IP1 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr H003: Deduction (L)
HR81: Deduction Liability Transfer With Clearing Accounts This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded deductions from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is dependent upon an Internal/External Type of Liabilities Only. The event type should be used when the bank account for both parties is not the same. The subsequent action of clearing the clearing accounts will then trigger a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [IP2 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A002: Due To Fund (L)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Dr A003: Due From Fund (A)
Cr H003: Deduction (L)
HR82: Deduction Liability Transfer With No Offsets This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded deductions from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is dependent upon an Internal/External Type of Liabilities Only. The event type should be used when the fund and sub fund values are the same for both parties. IP3 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Cr H003: Deduction (L)
HR83: Deduction Liability To Revenue Transfer With Cash This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded deductions from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. The amount of deduction liability will be removed from the employee's fund and transferred directly to revenue for the internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is dependent on an Internal/External Type of Inter Fund Revenue and cash has been directed as the offset by HR. The event type should be used when the bank account for both parties is the same, otherwise there would have to be a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [IP1 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr R024: Internal Collected Revenue
HR84: Deduction Liability To Revenue Transfer With Clearing Accounts This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded deductions from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. The amount of deduction liability will be removed from the employee's fund and transferred directly to revenue for the internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is depended on an Internal/External Type of Inter Fund Revenue and cash was not directed as the offset by HR. The event type should be used when the bank account for both parties are different. The subsequent action of clearing the clearing accounts will then trigger a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [IP2 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A002: Due To Fund (L)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Dr A003: Due From Fund (A)
Cr R023: Internal Accrued Revenue
HR85: Deduction Liability To Revenue Transfer With No Offsets This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded deductions from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. The amount of deduction liability will be removed from the employee's fund and transferred directly to revenue for the internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is depended on an Internal/External Type of Intra Fund Revenue. The event type should be used when the fund and sub fund values are the same for both parties. [IP3 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Cr R024: Internal Collected Revenue
HR86: Deduction Liability To Expense Transfer With Cash This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded deductions from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. The amount of deduction liability will be removed from the employee's fund and transferred directly to an expenditure credit for the internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is depended on an Internal/External Type of Inter Fund Expenditure and cash has been directed as the offset by HR. The event type should be used when the bank account for both parties is the same; otherwise, there would have to be a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [IP1 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr D025: Internal Cash Expenditure/Expense
HR87: Deduction Liability To Expense Transfer With Clearing Accounts This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded deductions from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. The amount of deduction liability will be removed from the employee's fund and transferred directly to an expenditure credit for the internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is dependent upon an Internal/External Type of Inter Fund Expenditure and cash was not directed as the offset by HR. The event type should be used when the bank account for both parties are different. The subsequent action of clearing the clearing accounts will then trigger a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [IP2 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A002: Due To Fund (L)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Dr A003: Due From Fund (A)
Cr D024: Internal Accrued Expenditure/Expense
HR88: Deduction Liability To Expense Transfer With No Offsets This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded deductions from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. The amount of deduction liability will be removed from the employee's fund and transferred directly to an expenditure credit for the internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is dependent upon an Internal/External Type of Intra Fund Expenditure. The event type should be used when the fund and sub fund values are the same for both parties. [IP3 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Cr D025: Internal Cash Expenditure/Expense
HR90: Fringe Liability Transfer With Cash This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded fringe costs from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is dependent upon an Internal/External Type of Liabilities Only. The event type should be used when the bank account for both parties is the same; otherwise, there would have to be a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [IP1 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr H005: Fringe (L)
HR91: Fringe Liability Transfer With Clearing Accounts This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded fringe costs from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is dependent upon an Internal/External Type of Liabilities Only. The event type should be used when the bank account for both parties is not the same. The subsequent action of clearing the clearing accounts will then trigger a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [IP2 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A002: Due To Fund (L)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Dr A003: Due From Fund (A)
Cr H005: Fringe (L)
HR92: Fringe Liability Transfer With No Offsets This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded fringe costs from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is dependent upon an Internal/External Type of Liabilities Only. The event type should be used when the fund and sub fund values are the same for both parties. [IP3 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Cr H005: Fringe (L)
HR93: Fringe Liability To Revenue Transfer With Cash This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded fringe costs from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. The amount of fringe liability will be removed from the employee's fund and transferred directly to revenue for the internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is dependent upon an Internal/External Type of Inter Fund Revenue and cash has been directed as the offset by HR. The event type should be used when the bank account for both parties is the same; otherwise, there would have to be a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [IP1 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr R024: Internal Collected Revenue
HR94: Fringe Liability To Revenue Transfer With Clearing Accounts This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded fringe costs from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. The amount of fringe liability will be removed from the employee's fund and transferred directly to revenue for the internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is dependent upon an Internal/External Type of Inter Fund Revenue and cash was not directed as the offset by HR. The event type should be used when the bank account for both parties are different. The subsequent action of clearing the clearing accounts will then trigger a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [IP2 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A002: Due To Fund (L)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Dr A003: Due From Fund (A)
Cr R023: Internal Accrued Revenue
HR95: Fringe Liability To Revenue Transfer With No Offsets This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded fringe costs from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. The amount of fringe liability will be removed from the employee's fund and transferred directly to revenue for the internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is dependent upon an Internal/External Type of Intra Fund Revenue. The event type should be used when the fund and sub fund values are the same for both parties. [IP3 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Cr R024: Internal Collected Revenue
HR96: Fringe Liability To Expense Transfer With Cash This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded fringe costs from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. The amount of fringe liability will be removed from the employee's fund and transferred directly to an expenditure credit for the internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is depended on an Internal/External Type of Inter Fund Expenditure and cash has been directed as the offset by HR. The event type should be used when the bank account for both parties is the same; otherwise, there would have to be a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [IP1 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr D025: Internal Cash Expenditure/Expense
HR97: Fringe Liability To Expense Transfer With Clearing Accounts This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded fringe costs from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. The amount of fringe liability will be removed from the employee's fund and transferred directly to an expenditure credit for the internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is dependent upon an Internal/External Type of Inter Fund Expenditure and cash was not directed as the offset by HR. The event type should be used when the bank account for both parties are different. The subsequent action of clearing the clearing accounts will then trigger a manual transfer of cash between actual bank accounts. [IP2 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Cr A002: Due To Fund (L)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Dr A003: Due From Fund (A)
Cr D024: Internal Accrued Expenditure/Expense
HR98: Fringe Liability To Expense Transfer With No Offsets This event type is used to transfer amounts of internally funded fringe costs from the employee's fund to an internal funding source. The amount of fringe liability will be removed from the employee's fund and transferred directly to an expenditure credit for the internal funding source. This transfer occurs on the payroll run date and is dependent upon an Internal/External Type of Intra Fund Expenditure. The event type should be used when the fund and sub fund values are the same for both parties. [IP3 Event Category]
Posting Pair A: Provider/Seller
Dr H001: Accrued Payroll (L)
Posting Pair B: Receiver/Buyer
Cr D025: Internal Cash Expenditure/Expense
PREXC Payroll Expenditure Correction Transaction Sub Type:
HR60: Payroll Expenditure Correction Reinstatement This event type is used to record payroll costs that were originally recorded to the wrong Chart of Account distribution originally. When the payroll costs are being corrected in the same year that they were recorded, this event type is most often used. When not in the same year, HR64, 65, or 66 is often used. [HRC Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr D014: External Cash Expenditure/Expense
Cr A001: Cash (A)
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is in a memo form to HR01: Accrue Payroll Expenditures or HR07 Record Payroll Cash Expenditures.
HR61: Reserve Contract Pay Correction Reinstatement This event type is used to record reserved contract pay accrued originally to the wrong Chart of Account distribution. There is only one reinstatement event type for contract pay because cross-year corrections will not occur because contract pay does not extend across years. [HRC Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr D011: External Accrued Expenditure/Expense
Cr H004: Reserve Contract Pay (L)
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is in a memo form to HR01: Accrue Payroll Expenditures or HR07 Record Payroll Cash Expenditures.
HR62: Payroll Expenditure Correction Reversal This event type is used to remove payroll costs originally recorded to the wrong Chart of Accounts. Using HR62 will only correct costs in CGI Advantage Financial and will not update HR. [HRC Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr D014: External Cash Expenditure/Expense
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is in a memo form to HR01: Accrue Payroll Expenditures or HR07 Record Payroll Cash Expenditures.
HR63: Reserve Contract Pay Correction Reversal This event type is used to remove reserved contract pay accrued originally to the wrong Chart of Account distribution. Using HR63 will only correct costs in CGI Advantage Financial and will not update HR. [HRC Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr H004: Reserve Contract Pay (L)
Cr D011: External Accrued Expenditure/Expense
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is in a memo form to HR01: Accrue Payroll Expenditures or HR07 Record Payroll Cash Expenditures.
HR64: Reinstate Payroll Correction to Liability This event type is used to record payroll costs that were originally recorded to the wrong Chart of Account distribution. When the payroll costs are being corrected in a subsequent year than they were originally recorded, this event type can be used. [HRC Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr A015: Generic Liability (L)
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is in a memo form to HR01: Accrue Payroll Expenditures or HR07 Record Payroll Cash Expenditures.
HR65: Reinstate Payroll Correction to Equity This event type is used to record payroll costs that were originally recorded to the wrong Chart of Account distribution. When the payroll costs are being corrected in a subsequent year than they were originally recorded, this event type can be used. [HRC Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr A014: Generic Equity (E)
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is in a memo form to HR01: Accrue Payroll Expenditures or HR07 Record Payroll Cash Expenditures.
HR66: Reinstate Payroll Correction to Revenue This event type is used to record payroll costs that were originally recorded to the wrong Chart of Account distribution. When the payroll costs are being corrected in a subsequent year than they were originally recorded, this event type can be used. [HRC Event Category]
Posting Pair A: A
Dr A001: Cash (A)
Cr R003: External Collected Earned Revenue
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is in a memo form to HR01: Accrue Payroll Expenditures or HR07 Record Payroll Cash Expenditures.