Payroll Event Type Defaults

Many transaction codes in the Payroll (PYRL) transaction type use this page to determine the appropriate event type based on the transaction code created by the payroll interface and several other payroll options. Those transaction codes that can only perform one event type do not use page, but rather rely on the Default Event Type field on Transaction Control (DCTRL) page. The default from the Payroll Event Type Defaults will only happen when the event type field is not populated on the payroll transaction accounting line and the determining factors match a default record. This page does not function as a combination validation, which will allow the selection of a different event type on the payroll transaction from that of the matching page record. 

Data is delivered to support all payroll accounting entries necessary from CGI Advantage HRM. Any single implementation will not use all records.

The fields on Payroll Event Type Defaults (PYRLETD) are as follows with common ones omitted:

Field Name

Field Description

PAM Line Type

The list of valid PAM Line Types:

  • Expenditure: Used to record many expenditures, both accrued and cash, for payroll activity.

  • Refund: Not currently being used by the Advantage HR to Financial interface.

  • Liability: Used to record all deduction and some fringe liabilities.

  • Net Pay:  Used to record net pay and when net pay is cleared.

  • Reserve Pay: Used when certain types of employees accrue payroll costs in early pay periods so that funds will exist to pay them in later pay periods.

  • Payout from Reserve: A line type that is used in conjunction with the Reserve Pay line type. After pay has accrued for the early pay periods, time will come to use those reserves in later periods.

  • Cancellation: A line type used on the Payroll Expenditure Correction (PREXC) when a correction for payroll expenditure.

  • Cross year Cancellation: Used when expenditures are cancelled in a year other than originally recorded.


When true, one of the various accounting events for a fringe cost is being recorded.


When true, cash should be used as the offset for an internal accounting event.

Clearing Fund Used

When true, a payroll clearing fund will be used to transfer cash and a payroll liability from an operating fund to a clearing fund.

Internal/External Type

A setting used to determine what sort of internal accounting event should be posted, when not set to External for all other types of accounting events.

  • Inter Fund Revenue – Cash transfer from the operating fund to the internal fund. Revenue is recorded as part of that transfer.

  • Intra Fund Revenue – Transfer where there are no offsets because the operating fund and the internal fund are the same. Revenue is recorded as part of that transfer.

  • Inter Fund Expenditure - Cash transfer from the operating fund to the internal fund. An expenditure credit is recorded as part of that transfer.

  • Intra Fund Expenditure - Transfer where there are no offsets because the operating fund and the internal fund are the same. An expenditure credit is recorded as part of that transfer.

  • Liabilities Only – Cash transfer where there is only a liability recorded.

Transaction Code

The transaction code selected by CGI Advantage HRM.

Event Type

The defaulting and only correct event type for the referencing accounting line.

Payroll Accounting Reconciliation Update

When true, the accounting line will update Payroll Accounting Reconciliation (PYRLAR) page for later reconciliation back to payroll information.

Data delivered with this set to true, what the current version of the CGI Advantage HRM process for Payroll Reconciliation is capable of reconciling and should not be changed.