Procurement Accounting Model
Event types in this area are shared by both the commodity-based procurement transaction types (Requisition, Purchase Order, and Master Agreement) and the accounting-based procurement transaction (Accounting Based Spending). Event types in this tab perform three basic functions. The first, and most common, is to record a Budgetary Update to reserve budget availability for later payments for goods or services. Those budget updates occur in either the Pre Encumbrance or Encumbrance amount fields. Depending on budget implementation, Pre Encumbrances may or may not actually reserve budget authority in the same fashion that Encumbrances do.
The second function provided by a procurement event type is a Non-Accounting Entry. Use of these event types is often chosen when the procurement process needs to begin or continue, but it is not yet known exactly what Chart of Account distribution(s) should be charged.
The third function provided by a procurement event type is that of a Multi-Year Contract. Such a type of contract with a vendor extends beyond the current budget year. Because of this, accounting lines in those future budget years will not likely find budget lines to update. One of the Multi-Year event types will be used on such a future line. That event type will not contain any posting codes, which is essential for the Contract Roll chain job to change the Multi-Year event type to one that records a budget update.
PR Event Category includes the following event types that will be used to record accounting and non-accounting entries in the procurement process. This Procurement Event Category uses the Generic Event Type Processor logic.
PR01: Request - Non Accounting - This event type is used when a pre-encumbrance is not desired. The most common use of the event type is on a Requisition transaction to start the procurement process when a funding source is not yet known.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Dr P001: Procurement Non-Accounting Nominal
Cr P002: Procurement Non-Accounting Offset
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not likely.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type can be done by either another non-accounting event type (PR04 or PR07), one that will cause a budget update (PR02, PR03, PR05, or PR06), by one to request a payment (AP01 or other), or by one that records an internal transaction (IN01, IN04, or other).
PR02: Request from External Vendor - Accounting - This event type is used when a budget update to a Pre Encumbrance is desired. The delivered Event Type Requirements entry for this event type does not require a vendor code. However, if a vendor code is used, the requirements stipulate that it must be an external vendor code.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Dr P003: Pre Encumbrance
Cr P004: Reserve for Pre Encumbrance
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not likely.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type can be done by either another non-accounting event type (PR07), one that will cause a budget update (PR05), or by one to request a payment (AP01 or other). If this event type is lapsed at year end, it will likely be with the GA02: Lapse Encumbrances & Pre Encumbrances event type.
PR03: Request from Internal Vendor - Accounting - This event type is used when a budget update to a Pre Encumbrance is desired. The delivered Event Type Requirements entry for this event type does not require a vendor code. However, if a vendor code is used, the requirements stipulate that it must be an internal vendor code.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Dr P003: Pre Encumbrance
Cr P004: Reserve for Pre Encumbrance
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not likely.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type can be done by either another non-accounting event type (PR07), one that will cause a budget update (PR06), or by one that records an internal transaction (IN01, IN04, or other). If this event type is lapsed at year end, it will likely be with the GA02: Lapse Encumbrances & Pre Encumbrances event type.
PR04: Master Agreement - Non Accounting - This event type is used most commonly on the Master Agreement transaction as the default event type. The Master Agreement does not display the accounting line tab, and will only have accounting lines if a Requisition is referenced. When that occurs, this event type will likely default and liquidate the requisition.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Dr P001: Procurement Non-Accounting Nominal
Cr P002: Procurement Non-Accounting Offset
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not likely.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type can only be done in a memo form if recorded on a Master Agreement.
PR05: Order from External Vendor - Accounting - This event type is used when a budget update to Encumbrance is desired. The delivered Event Type Requirements entry for this event type does not require a vendor code. However, if a vendor code is used, the requirements stipulate that it must be an external vendor code. It is very likely that many transaction codes using the event type will require a vendor code.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Dr P005: Encumbrance
Cr P006: Reserve for Encumbrance
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is optional. If performed it would most likely be to PR01: Request - Non Accounting or PR02: Request from External Vendor - Accounting.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type will most commonly be done by a request for payment using AP01: Authorize Normal Payment. If this event type is lapsed at year end, it will likely be with the GA02: Lapse Encumbrances & Pre Encumbrances event type. A correction event type (PR20, PR21, or PR22) may also reference this line if a mistake is made requesting payment.
PR06: Order from Internal Vendor - Accounting - This event type is used when a budget update to Encumbrance is desired. The delivered Event Type Requirements entry for this event type does not require a vendor code. However, if a vendor code is used, the requirements stipulate that it must be an internal vendor code.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Dr P005: Encumbrance
Cr P006: Reserve for Encumbrance
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not likely.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type will most commonly be done by an internal accounting event type (IN01, IN04, or other). If this event type is lapsed at year end, it will likely be with the GA02: Lapse Encumbrances & Pre Encumbrances event type. A correction event type (PR20, PR21, or PR22) may also reference this line if a mistake is made with an internal transaction reference.
PR07: Order - Non Accounting - This event type is used when an encumbrance is not desired.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Dr P001: Procurement Non-Accounting Nominal
Cr P002: Procurement Non-Accounting Offset
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not likely.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type can be done by either one that will cause a budget update (PR05, or PR06), by one to request a payment (AP01 or other), or by one that records an internal transaction (IN01, IN04, or other).
PR08: Multi-Year Contract - This event type is used on accounting lines of a contract that are beyond the latest year budgeted. No posting lines will be generated and no accounting updates made, but the accounting line exists to complete the terms of the contract.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not likely.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type will not be done, but the event type will be changed by the Contract Roll chain job to PR05: Order From External Vendor - Accounting or similar event type.
PR09: Multi-Year Contract - Consumption - This event type is used on accounting lines of a contract that are beyond the latest year budgeted. No posting lines will be generated and no accounting updates made, but the accounting line exists to complete the terms of the contract. As the name implies, only a warehouse that is defined as using the Consumption Method for inventory accounting can use this event type.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not likely.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type will not be done, but the event type will be changed by the Contract Roll chain job to ST60: Order For Inventory - Consumption I or ST61: Order for Inventory - Consumption II.
PR10: Multi-Year Contract - Purchase- This event type is used on accounting lines of a contract that are beyond the latest year budgeted. No posting lines will be generated and no accounting updates made, but the accounting line exists to complete the terms of the contract. The event type is similar to PR08, but exists to provide the ability for event type controls that differ for inventory purchasing. As the name implies, only a warehouse that is defined as using the Purchase Method for inventory accounting can use this event type.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not likely.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type will not be done, but the event type will be changed by the Contract Roll chain job to ST62: Order For Inventory - Purchase or PR05: Order From External Vendor - Accounting.
PR20: Encumbrance Correction - Use of this event type occurs when an encumbrance line was inadvertently closed for more than it should have been or incorrectly referenced. When such a situation occurs, the request for payment has been disbursed, and that disbursement has cleared, this event type will correct the encumbrance line. The event type will re-open all or a portion of that encumbrance and will not create a credit memo as PR22 (discussed in the A/P tab) does. By not creating a request for payment, the correction is just to the encumbrance amount because the correct vendor was paid the correct amount originally.
Special Note: Corrections cannot be performed against half posting lines.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
None, as the liquidation line created performs the necessary accounting.
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is required and will be to either PR05: Order from External Vendor - Accounting, PR06: Order from Internal Vendor - Accounting, or ST62: Order for Inventory - Purchase.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing accounting activity for this event type will not occur.
PR21: Encumbrance Liquidation - Use of this event type occurs when an encumbrance line was not referenced and should have been or it was referenced partially and should have had a final reference. In either case, it is desired that the encumbrance line be close for some amount, but that no request for payment be made. This event type will perform that liquidation and create no new accounting entries because it has no posting codes.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
None, as the liquidation line created performs the necessary accounting.
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is required and will be to either PR05: Order from External Vendor - Accounting, PR06: Order from Internal Vendor - Accounting, or ST62: Order for Inventory - Purchase.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing accounting activity for this event type will not occur.
UR01: UR Event Type For SRQ - This event type is used on the Universal Requestor for an item that is in inventory. The event type provides no accounting entries but does allow the generated Stock Requisition to determine the correct event type to default from the Event Type Defaults page.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not likely.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type occurs in a memo from on the Stock Requisition generated from the Universal Requestor.
UR02: UR Event Type For RQS - This event type is used on the Universal Requestor for an item that is to be requisitioned. The event type provides no accounting entries but does allow the generated Standard Requisition to determine the correct event type to default from the Event Type Defaults page.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not likely.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type occurs in a memo from on the Standard Requisition generated from the Universal Requestor.
UR05: UR Event Type For PO - This event type is used on the Universal Requestor for an item that is to be ordered. The event type provides no accounting entries but does allow the generated Purchase Order to determine the correct event type to default from the Event Type Defaults page.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not likely.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type occurs in a memo from on the Purchase Order generated from the Universal Requestor.
CA Event Category includes the following event types that will be used to record accounting and non-accounting entries in the procurement process. This Cost Accounting Event Category uses the Generic Event Type Processor logic.
CG05: Record Expected Cash Match for Grant Given - This event type is used when a grant is awarded to a grantee or sub-grantee where a cash match will be made by the grantee in the future.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Dr C005: Record Expected Cash Match for Grant Given
Cr (none)
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is optional. If performed it would most likely be to PR01: Request - Non Accounting.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type will be done by a request for payment using CG07: Record Reported Cash Match for Grant Given.
CG06: Record Expected In-Kind Match for Grant Given - This event type is used when a grant is awarded to a grantee or sub-grantee where a match of supplies, time, etc. will be made by the grantee in the future.
Posting Pair A: Item or Service
Dr C006: Record Expected In-Kind Match for Grant Given
Cr (none)
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is optional. If performed it would most likely be to PR01: Request - Non Accounting.
Subsequent Event Types: Referencing of this event type will be done by a request for payment using CG08: Record Reported In-Kind Match for Grant Given.