Revenue Controls

The fields on this tab govern just the Accounts Receivable functional area. As this area can often be one that is decentralized, many controls have override indications present on this tab of SOPT. Those same controls can then be set at Revenue Source, which is a slightly decentralized area because not all parties in an application collect the same types of revenues. The same controls can also be found on the Billing Profile page, which can be a decentralized area because profiles can be defined at a department level or even at a unit level within a department.

The following table displays Revenue options and controls. Since there are many revenue controls, they are grouped by function and then alphabetized within each grouping.



AR Department Inference

Critical to accounts receivable processing is the extent to which controls are decentralized.  This option has four values to facilitate the population of the AR Department and AR Unit fields on accounting transactions: Set to ALL, Infer From User ID, Infer From Transaction ID, and No Inference.

Set To ALL: This setting is common for an application that is driven by system-wide controls or has only a few exceptions.  Users in those exceptions will manually enter values themselves.

Infer From User ID: Each user ID in the application is associated with at least a department code and possibly a unit code.  The value or values associated with a user ID in security setup will default.  If there is no unit to default, then it will be set to ALL.

Infer From Transaction ID: Each transaction ID in the application is associated with at least a department code and possibly a unit code.  The value or values associated with a transaction ID at the time of transaction creation will default.  If there is no unit to default, then it will be set to ALL.

No Inference:  This setting is used when an application is driven by decentralized controls or has only a few exceptions.  All users will have to enter an AR Department and Unit, whether those are actual values or system-wide values of ALL.


Allow Grace Period on Finance Charges

Indicates that the calculation of finance charges on overdue receivables is allowed to be deferred.

Finance Charge Fee 1-5

Allow Override of Finance Charge Fees

Five separate and optional choices of Finance Charge Codes from the Finance Charge page. The same code cannot be selected for more than one fee.

Grace Period Days

Allow Override of Grade Period Days

The number of days by which the application of interest and fees on the overdue receivables can be deferred or postponed. During this period no late fees are charged.

Intercept Request Load Status

Allow Override of Intercept Request Load Status

The status with which selected records are loaded to Intercept Request (INTR). Valid values are Active and Inactive.

Minimum Billing Amount

Allow Override of Minimum Billing Amount

The minimum amount that a customer account must total in order to be selected for the automatic billing process. Also, no dunning message or a statement is printed if the outstanding transaction amount is less than this amount.

Minimum Negative Billing Amount

Allow Override of Minimum Negative Billing Amount

The minimum negative amount that a customer account must total, in order to be selected for the automatic billing process. This option only applies to customers with a Billing Type of Statement, and will not affect the printing of invoices.

Minimum Past Due Amount for Finance Charge

Minimum Past Due Amount for Finance Charge

The minimum amount a past due amount has to be before finance charges can be automatically applied.

Past Due Days for Intercept

Allow Override for Past Due Days for Intercept

The number of days that a receivable must be past due before being manually added to the Intercept Request (INTR) page or being selected by the Intercept Selection or Load External Debt processes

Receivable Due Date Lag

Allow Override of Receivable Due Date Lag

A number of days defined that are used to set the Receivable Due Date when a date is not supplied. The Due Date is critical to the application of finance charges and statement generation.

Enable Electronic Billing

When enabled, the Invoice and Statement PDFs created by the Generate Invoice and Generate Statement processes are emailed to customers using the email address on Customer Account Options.

This is the first of three locations where this feature is enabled. When set to true, that enables setting the same indication on Billing Profile and Customer Account.

Enable Past Due Electronic Billing

When enabled, the Past Due Notice PDFs created by the Past Due Invoice process are emailed to customers using the email address on Customer Account Options.

This is the first of three locations where this feature is enabled. When set to true, that enables setting the same indication on Billing Profile and Customer Account.

Enable Electronic Collection Letters

When enabled, the Collection Letter PDFs created by the Past Due Invoice and Past Due Statement processes are emailed to customers using the email address on Customer Account Options.

This is the first of three locations where this feature is enabled. When set to true, that enables setting the same indication on Billing Profile and Customer Account.

Enable Payment Plan

When enabled, the Agreement, Reminder, Cancellation, and Completion of Payment Plan PDFs created by the Generate Payment Plan process are emailed to customers using the email address on Customer Account Options.

This is the first of three locations where this feature is enabled. When set to true, that enables setting the same indication on Billing Profile and Customer Account.

Cash Receipts

Automatic Net Credit Balance

When true, the system will automatically net a credit balance (i.e. overpayment) against a positive receivable within the same customer account.

Automatic Refund to Customer of Credit Balance

Allow Override of Automatic Refund

When true, the system will automatically generate a revenue refund payment request for a customer's unreserved credit balance. This control is used in conjunction with the Number of Days for Credit Balance.

NSF Check Charge

Allow Override of NSF Check Charge

The amount charged for returned checks with insufficient funds.

Number of Days for Credit Balance

Allow Override of Number of Days for Credit Balance

The number of days allowed for an unreserved credit balance to stay in a customer account before a payment is automatically generated. This field is only used when the Automatic Refund to Customer of Credit Balance option is true.

Print Deposit Ticket

When true, indicates the print deposit process to deposit process is used to create deposit tickets.

Accepted cash receipts will update the Cash Receipt Pending page waiting to be selected and printed on a deposit ticket. A cash receipt will not be updated to Deposit Reconciliation until it is printed on the Deposit Ticket. 

When False, an accepted cash receipt will update the Deposit Reconciliation page directly. Depending on the Use Deposit Reconciliation option being true.

Priority 1-5 Posting Type

Allow Override of Posting Priorities

Five fields to specify the sequence in which a payment should be applied to an outstanding receivable when the Auto Apply action is used on a Cash Receipt. Blanks are not allowed.

Require Deposit Date Only

When true, the Deposit Date field is required on Cash Receipt transactions. This is true even when not using the Deposit Reconciliation process as the Use Deposit Reconciliation option cannot be true when this parameter is true. Furthermore, the Print Deposit Ticket cannot be true if the Require Deposit Date Only is true.

Reserved Credit Balance Event Type

Allow Override of Reserved Credit Balance Event Type

When the auto apply action is taken on a cash receipt against a customer account or a receivable and there is more money applied than owed, if the Reserve Credit Balance option is false, this event type is used to book the overpayment. Unreserved overpayments are available to the Auto Netting process, unlike reserved payments.

If selected, the ‘allow override’ option provides a billing profile to specify a different event type.

Unreserved Credit Balance Event Type

Allow Override of Unreserved Credit Balance Event Type

When the auto apply action is taken on a cash receipt against a customer account or a receivable and there is more money applied than owed, if the Reserve Credit Balance option is true, this event type is used to book the overpayment. Reserved overpayments are not available to the Auto Netting process, like reserved payments. These must be applied manually or refunded through accounts payable.

If selected, the ‘allow override’ option provides a billing profile to specify a different event type.

Overpayment Type

When recording an overpayment line, reserved or unreserved, this setting controls what chart of accounts are placed on that accounting line.  

  • Copy Last Accounting Line – Use this option when there is often no issue with the fund and any sub fund used on the last accounting line for recording the overpayment liability. One can always adjust the chart of accounts after the line is generated.

  • No Chart of Accounts – Use this option when you want the creator of the cash receipt to enter chart of accounts on the overpayment line.  Please be aware this option will not work with interfaced receipts.

Use Deposit Reconciliation

When true, the deposit reconciliation process will be used.

Collections & Write Offs

Collection Cycle Code

Allow Override of Collection Cycle

The default collection cycle.

Collection Referral Load Status

Allow Override of Load Status

The status set on selected records loaded to the Pending Collection Agency Referral page. Valid values are NA-Blank and Approved for Collection.

Line Limit for Generated Write-Offs

Allow Override of Line Limit

The maximum number of vendor/customer lines a write-off transaction can have when generated by the Generate Write Off process. Valid values are 01 to 99.

Past Due Days for Collection Referral

Allow Override of Past Due Days

The number of days for used to age receivables based on the Due Date by the Generate Collection system process.

Past Due Days for Write-Off

Allow Override of Past Due Days

The number of days for used to age receivables based on the Due Date by the Generate Write Off system process.

Pending Write Off Load Status

Allow Override of Load Status

The status set on selected records loaded to the Pending Write Off page. Valid values are NA-Blank and Approved for Write Off.

Payment Plans

Automatic NSF Check Cancellation

Allow Override of Automatic NSF Check Cancellation

When true, payment plans will be cancelled when NSF checks are received.

Automatic Cancellation After Number of Missed Payments

Allow Override of Number of Missed Payments

The number of times payments can be missed before the payment plan is automatically cancelled.

Final Payment Plan Lag

The number of days that the Payment Plan Maintenance system process will allow a payment plan to remain open before closing it.

Minimum Days Between Payment Plan Start Date & First Due Date

Allow Override of Start Date & First Due Date

The minimum number of days that are required between the Start Date and First Due Date for a payment plan.

Payment Plan Agreement Notification

Allow Override of Agreement Notification

The billing instruction code that will be printed on a payment plan agreement notification.

Payment Plan Cancellation Notification

Allow Override of Cancellation Notification

The billing instruction code that will be printed on a payment plan cancellation notification.

Payment Plan Completion Notification

Allow Override of Completion Notification

The billing instruction code that will be printed on a payment plan completion notification.

Payment Plan Print Date Lag

Allow Override of Payment Plan Print Date Lag

The number of days before a payment plan reminder notification is sent.

Payment Plan Reminder Notification

Allow Override of Reminder Notification

The billing instruction code that will be printed on a payment plan reminder notification.