Setting Up a New Transaction Code
The following steps walk through the process of setting up a new transaction code. Establishing a new HTML for a transaction code is not covered because that requires a development effort. The point at which that new HTML is assigned to the new transaction code will, however, be pointed out.
Determine the transaction type that should have the new transaction code, and create a record on the Transaction Control page. It is often easy to select an existing transaction code to 'clone'. When records need to be created on the Transaction Control or other pages, then records for the original code are selected and copied, making any changes necessary before saving.
Note: Do not use the value “ALL” when creating a new transaction code because this is a special value reserved for Configure Page (DESIGNER) to represent global extensions.
At this point, the transaction code cannot be created in the application. To inform the application about the transaction code, an entry has to be added to Application Page Registration (APGS). It is on APGS in the Destination Page field where the new HTML will be associated with the new transaction code.
Should the transaction code be included in one or more business roles? If so, add a record for it to the Resource Target (RSRCTRGT) page. Then associate that system resource to the necessary business activities on the Business Role Association (BUSROLAS) page.
Run the Designer to XML Sync Process with the Generate Condition Metadata parameter set to Yes to add the transaction code as a condition so that the page extension specific to the transaction code can be recognized and used with Configure Page (DESIGNER). The job creates or updates the metadata file called conditions.xml, located at Custom/Extensions/ApplicationMetadata/metadata/<app>/sitemaintained/config/
Refer to the “Designer to XML Synchronization Process” run sheet in the CGI Advantage Administration Utilities Run Sheets Guide for more information.
Run the post_cd process, followed by a bounce of the application. Note: The Enterprise Search Lite Indexer job is included as part of the post_cd process.
Note: The Enterprise Search Lite Indexer job must be run after changes are made to any of the Application Page Registration (APGS or ERPAPGS) pages; in order for the changes to appear as part of the Global Search. The job only selects records that have the Searchable? check box selected. This process must also be run after making changes to the Business Role Configuration pages (Business Role, Business Process, Business Activities, Resource Target, Business Role Association, and User to Business Role Association).
Should the transaction code be included as a quick link for creation or searching, then add it to Quick Link (QUICKLNK).
Now, a user with administrator security rights can only create the transaction, so now add it to the Application Resources (SCRSRC) page. There it is placed into the applicable Security Group.
Was the transaction code setup with a Time Restriction of Limited by Accounting Periods or Limited by Both on Transaction Control (DCTRL)? If so, then entries will now have to be added to the Allowable Accounting Periods for Transaction Code (AAPDC) page for those accounting periods for which the transaction code can be processed.
Should the transaction code have the ability to be created with automatically generated transaction numbers? If so, then one or more entries will have to be added now to the Automatic Transaction Numbering (ADNT) page for the transaction code. This step would be mandatory if the Auto Numbering Required indication is true for the transaction code on Transaction Control.
Will this transaction have workflow rules? If so, then two batch jobs have to be executed in Financial to update the Administration application. The first of these is the Populate Transaction Codes job. The second is the Populate Workflow Meta Data job.
To setup a workflow rule, at least one field for the new transaction code must be identified on the Manage Approval Fields (IWF06) page. Once identified, the next step is to define one or more conditions on the Manage Approval Conditions (IWF07) page. Then with conditions, the actual workflow rules are established on the Approval Setup (IWF08) page.
Will this transaction code be created from a copy forward of another and will it be able to create another with a copy forward? What fields are copied and which are not are defined with an application coding effort. For a transaction code you have cloned, if there is a copy forward into it or from it then there will be code for the copy forward to function. If there isn't, or one of the existing ones does not perform as you would want, then a development effort would be needed to develop a new Transaction Sub Action. Once the appropriate sub action is known, then an entry for copy forward into and/or copy forward from would be added to the Transaction Copy Forward Control (DCFCTL) page.
Will this transaction code be referenced by another or will it reference others? If either, then you may have to enter one or more records on the Transaction Allowable References (DARF) page. If you created a transaction code that will fall into a DARF rule with the wildcard value of ALL, then you will not need an entry.
If the answer to the above was Yes then you may have to enter one or more tolerance rules if your intended reference type is anything other than Memo. Tolerances are entered on the System Tolerance (STOL), Fund Tolerance (FTOL), Department Tolerance (DEPTOL), or Transaction Code Tolerance (DTOL) pages.
If the transaction code added belongs to the Evaluation (EV), Requisition (RQ), Purchase Order (PO), Master Agreement (MA), Invoice (IN), Receiver (RC), Performance Evaluation (PE), Renewal (RN), Solicitation (SO), or Solicitation Response (SR) transaction type, then you will have to add an entry to the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) page. One or more entries will have to be made to the Transactions tab of the Procurement Type (PRCUTYP) page, depending on the number of Procurement Types and Procurement States the new transaction code will be used in. At a minimum, the transaction code must be added to the Transactions tab for the Unclassified Procurement Type.
If the transaction code is not a budgeting transaction, will the transaction make budget updates? If your application lists transaction codes on the Required Budget (REQBUD) page, then the new one will have to be added there.
Will the transaction code be one that uses event types? If so, then you will need an entry for each event type for the transaction code on the Allowable Event Types for Transaction Code (AETDC) page. If you are creating new event types for the transaction code to use, then you will have to add records to the Allowable Event Types for Transaction Type (AETDT) page first.
The Allowable Event Types for Transaction Code (AETDC) table allows you to define and view the event types that are allowed for processing a specific transaction code. You can also specify a default event type on this page. Transaction codes can have a range of ability to do all of its transaction type’s events or just a single event.
When event types are used on the new transaction code, a record will have to be added to the Transaction Events tab of each profile and stage combination where activity is to be allowed with Budget Fiscal Year Staging. Some stages may even have multiple records.
The creation of a new transaction code in the Automatic Disbursement (AD), Manual Disbursement (MD), Disbursement Reclassification (DC), Receivable (RE), Collection Agency (CL), or Write Off (WO) will not require new entries on AP Event Type Cross Walk (APETXW), MD Default Event Type (MDDFEV), DC Event Type Cross Walk (DCXWLK), or Event Type Defaults (ETDFLT) unless new event types were also setup.
If any Combination Validation, Required Element, or Inference pages have been setup in the Chart of Accounts area where transaction code is a key field, then records may have to be added to those pages as well. The Valid and Invalid Transaction Code and Object pages are two examples.
If the transaction code added is a clone of the Vendor Customer Creation (VCC), Vendor Customer Modification (VCM), Invoice (IN), or Stand-alone Invoice (IS) transaction codes, then you will have to add an entry to the Transaction Creation Action (CREAACTN) page if that clone is to be presented as a choice for users on the Transaction Create page. Note: The Populate Transaction Codes process should be run before adding a record to the page for a new cloned transaction.